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Witney's POV

I was still keeping my distance from Wyatt. Even though we had convinced the humans to stop the demolition, the Moonstone still got crushed. We arrived back to the den to find that even more wolves were sick than before. Obviously, with the Moonstone being destroyed, our pack weakened.

"There you go," I tucked a thicker blanket around a were pup's shoulders. The pup leaned into my arms. I sat there for a second, holding her. Most of our new pups had hand-me-down necklaces from past wolves, so their necklaces didn't have as much charge.

I felt Wyatt's gaze fall on me, but I didn't turn to see him. I didn't have time to worry about our relationship while our pack was sick.

I sniffed the air, my nose picking up an unusual scent. I turned towards the entrance of the den to see Zed walk in. I stood up and went to stand next to Willa.

Zed came to a stop in front of us. "They were wrong to destroy Seabrook Power,"

I shared a look with Willa and Wyatt.

"And I was wrong about werewolves," Zed continued, "You have every right to fight for who you are."

"Yeah, but what are we now, Zombie?" Wyatt asked Zed.

"You're fierce, proud werewolves," Zed said.

Willa gestured towards the sick wolves with her hand. "Yeah, they think we're monsters,"

Zed nodded. "We are monsters."

"What are you saying?" I asked, skeptical.

Zed grinned. "Bad rules are meant to be broken, aren't they?"

I grinned back. "Now I see where you're going, zombie. Let's crash Prawn."

I turned towards the mirror hanging on my wall, checking my outfit and makeup. I was oddly excited to go to Prawn, even though I didn't have a date.

"Willa!" I called out the door to my room. "Can you help me clasp my bracelet?" 

I heard the door swoosh open. I turned around, expecting to find Willa, but instead saw Wyatt, dressed in a suit and tie, ready for Prawn. 

"You look beautiful," Wyatt said. I blushed and looked down. 

"I thought Willa was coming," I said stupidly. 

Wyatt let out a small laugh. "She was busy doing other things."

I stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. 

"I think we need to talk," Wyatt finally said. I nodded and sat on my bed. Wyatt sat next to me, our bodies turned into each other. A thick silence filled the space between us. 

"Where is this all coming from?" Wyatt blurted, "I mean, hanging out with the zombies, distancing yourself from the pack, I thought you were just trying to be friendly. But then I see you and Zed, walking hand-in-hand down the hall. I thought we had something special."

I looked down. "I thought we did too. But I guess Addison's better than me now," I mumbled the last part, but Wyatt heard it. 

"What do you mean? Where did you get an idea like that?" Wyatt asked, hurt creeping into his voice. 

"I know that you really wanted to find the Great Alpha - we all did. But ever since we saw Addison in the forest, you've been infatuated with her. You stopped spending time with me. I saw all the secret glances you sent Addison's way. I guess I got jealous," I looked up into Wyatt's eyes before continuing. 

"So I made the stupid decision to get revenge. Zed and decided to make you and Addison jealous. We both wanted what we didn't have. And I'm so so sorry about that. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did," I paused and took Wyatt's hand, placing my in it. "I missed you."

Wyatt took a breath. I looked into his eyes again, hoping to see any kind of emotion. 

"I didn't like seeing you with Zed," Wyatt said, "But I didn't know that I was acting so... unlike me. I really wanted to find the Great Alpha. I wanted Addison to be the Alpha so badly so that we could find the Moonstone and save the pack. I guess I'm in the wrong too. I was so focused on finding the Moonstone that I didn't notice how it hurt you. I'm sorry, Witney. I just want you back."

I smiled and scooted closer to Wyatt. "So we're good?" I asked. 

Wyatt pulled me into him. "Better than good,"

"Finally! I thought this feud was going to be over sooner!" I laughed and turned towards the door where Willa was watching us with a small smile on her face. 

"How long were you here?" Wyatt asked. Willa grinned and waved her hand. 

"Not long," I laughed again. Wyatt took the gold cuff from my hand. 

"Do you still need help with this?" I nodded and he slipped the band across my arm, clasping it on the inside of my arm. 

"Now you're almost ready," Wyatt said. I tipped my head to the side in question. 

Wyatt took my hand in his. I smiled and looked down. 

"Witney, will you go to the Prawn with me?" I looked up into Wyatt's eyes and smiled. 


Witney's Prawn outfit


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Thank you for 1k reads! I didn't expect this book to get so big, so fast, so thank you! I know I haven't updated in a couple of weeks, but I haven't really felt creative lately so I didn't want to put out bad work. There will only be a few more chapters in this book, so stay tuned for those. If you have any ideas for me to write about after Prawn, I'll see if I can write those in. 

- AvaLaysa

ZOMBIES 2 - Wyatt's Mate - A Wyatt Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now