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Witney's POV

After explaining my plan to Zed, I went back to the den to go get Addison with the pack. I wasn't really looking forward to showing her my home, but we needed the Moonstone and she was our best hope so far.

The pack was just about to leave the den when I showed up. I saw Wyatt approach me, but I ignored him, going straight for Wynter, who was standing a few yards behind Wyatt. 

"Where were you?" Wynter asked me. I glanced around, noticing only Wyatt looking at me. 

"I had to go meet someone to discuss something," I told her, my voice so quiet that only Wynter could hear it, "Everything is all taken care of, but you still can't tell anyone that you know anything about what I've told you." 

Wynter nodded, noticing my dead serious manner. 

"Wolves!" Willa called from the lookout at the top of the den, "Let's go!"

I followed Will and the pack from den all the way to Addison's house in Seabrook. I wouldn't be able to tell one from another, even in the day, they all looked identical. Typical Seabrook style. Everyone has to fit in. 

I went up and scratched her door, letting her know that we were here. I growled in the back of my throat and went to stand with the rest of the pack.

Addison opened the door a moment later, a mug in her hand. Noticing my claw mark on her door, she quickly spun around and placed her mug on the table sitting on the porch. She looked up, seeing us for the first time.

"Come with us," Willa told Addison, her head high. 

"What's so important?" Addison tipped her head, suspicious. 

"You are," Wyatt responded, ripping a piece of my heart out at the same time. 


I led the way to the den, keeping my distance from where Wyatt and Addison were walking together. 

"Where are we going?" Addison inquired.

Wynter stopped and turned to her. "It's a wolf secret. If we told you we'd have to kill you," Willa gave her a look and Wynter's smile dropped. "Too much, too much, I knew it! Sorry," she placed her hands on the side of her head, a habit that came out when she did something wrong. 

"Welcome!" Wynter spread her arms. Will glanced at Wyatt. "But not too welcome," Wynter corrected herself. 

Wynter growled but started coughing, her Moonstone glowing green again. I put my arm under her, supporting her. 

"Are you okay?" Addison asked. 

"My necklace is losing it's charge," Wynter placed her paw protectively over her Moonstone. 

Wyatt stepped forward. "Every day, more and more of our pack becomes sick, because their Moonstones lose their power. All our elders are too sick to travel which -" Willa cut her brother off.

"Which leaves taking care of the pack to us. To me," she said. Willa came and put her paw on Wynter's shoulder. "You'll be fine Wynter. I promise."

Willa glared at Wyatt. "You better be right about this. We need to find the Moonstone soon."

I stayed behind the pack, making sure everyone was okay, which allowed Wyatt to grab Addison's arm. 

"Follow us, Addison. Please," he said to her. I growled but they didn't hear it.

Wynter spread her arms, showing Addison the den. 

"The wolf den!" she cried proudly. Addison gasped. 

ZOMBIES 2 - Wyatt's Mate - A Wyatt Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now