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Witney's POV

Ugh. I was mad at Willa. Now we had to go to preppy Seabrook High until we found the Moonstone, which, the girl doesn't seem to know a thing about. But that wasn't the only thing that was bothering me. Wyatt liked the white-haired girl, and not just because she could be the Great Alpha. I saw him look at her and smile, more than once when we were at the school. It hurt, but I wasn't going to tell him. 

I went to Willa right when we got back to the den. I wanted to avoid both siblings, but I wanted to see Wyatt least. Besides, Willa shared my hatred for Seabrook. 

"Wills, what in the world made you say that today?" I asked her, referring to when she 'enrolled' us at Seabrook High. "We hate that place!" Willa let out a short laugh. 

"Wit, do you think I want to go there?" she asked, "I only did it because it was the only way out! Besides, we'll be closer to the Great Alpha that way." I sighed. She was right, as much as both of us didn't want to admit it. But we still hadn't addressed the big problem.

"Willa," I asked her, "Did you see Wyatt today? He looked totally into the Great Alpha!" Willa frowned, recalling today's events. 

"Now that you say that, he did seem a little doe-eyed," she smirked, "Someone's jealous!" 

I frowned. I was hurt, yes, and probably jealous too. Wyatt and I had been together for two years now ever since we were 15. I knew that he was set on finding the Great Alpha, but I thought he liked me. 

Willa's face softened. "I know you're hurt, Wit. You're my best friend, and my brother is being ridiculous. I'll talk to him tonight and get him to see straight." I nodded. "Remember, we're trying to find the Moonstone. If that girl isn't the Great Alpha, he'll probably forget all about her. He's just very committed to finding the Moonstone." 

I smiled. Willa always knew how to make me feel better. We had met when I was 4 and she was 5. We had bonded then and our friendship had only grown. She was my closest confidant and my best friend. 

"Thanks, Wills," I hugged her, "You always know how to make things better." She smiled, squeezing my hand. 


Today was our first official day at Seabrook High. I knew I had to make an impression along with the rest of the pack. That wouldn't be a problem.

We arrived to see presidential posters lining the exterior of the school, supporting Zed and the guy named Bucky. I saw some cheerleaders handing out little buttons with Bucky's face on it. Another group was surrounding Zed as he handed out posters. I saw the white-haired girl and another cheerleader go up and stand next to Zed. I stopped to take in the scene. 

"Witney!" I heard Willa call, "C'mon!" I shook my head. It was go time.

We walked into Seabrook High, our Moonstone's glowing and our teeth barred. I growled at anyone who got to close to us, intimidating and scaring everyone. Humans and zombies alike were pressed up against lockers or running in the opposite direction of us.  

"These sheep just let us in?" Willa laughed, "Baaaad idea," Wyatt turned to his sister, neer stopping.

"We agreed to play nice," he told her. Will gave him a look.

"This is me being nice!" she scratched her claw against the metal lockers, leaving a mark and a screechy sound in her wake. I laughed then growled at a passing cheerleader. 

"Now let's find that Moonstone," Willa said. We reached the opposite side of the hallway, standing together as a pack, marking our territory. I kept glaring at everyone. They had to know who was boss around here. The bell rang. We all howled, our necklaces glowing. 

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