I didn't see Aiden for the remainder of the week with the exception of school. We still had just about all of our classes together but once school was over that was it. We didn't text very often either as he was well occupied with his daughter.

During training I had informed the boys Aiden wouldn't be joining us for a while due to his personal life and no questions were asked. As for Aiden who asked about training I simply told him he trained to help with my safety but that was no longer a priority. He had a daughter and that was now his main concern so he shouldn't worry about me or Chico's. Perhaps it wasn't what he wanted to hear but it was the truth.

"I don't know what's on your mind but whatever it is must be clearly upsetting you." Logan said

"Why do you say that?" I ask breathlessly as I shove a knife into the dummy behind me.

"I've never seen you practice so hardly. I like it. Channel that anger into what you're doing and you'll feel better at the end." Carter stated.

I continued on with the simulation and spun on my toes launching the knife from my hand into the head of a dummy a few feet away from me.

"You're getting really good at this." Cameron praised.

"So Aiden can't make it huh?" Connor said out of the nowhere.

"I want to move onto guns." I announced, changing the subject.

"Easy there," Liam raised his hands. "How about we work on that another day when you're in a peaceful state of mind. Practice your combat skills instead and take your frustration out from doing that."

"I agree," Landon pitched in. "Come on, I'll spar with you. Just don't break my bones."

I smiled. "No promises."

"So why isn't Aiden coming to our training sessions?" Justin asked on the way home. Bella glanced at me and gave him a look.


"Didn't you hear? He has a daughter." I replied.

"And how exactly was I supposed to know that if you're the only one who knows. I'm sure Bella and Liz know but that's because you told them." He said just as we arrived. The three of us exited the car and leaned against it.

"You're right, sorry, it's just weird you know? And out of the nowhere to. I don't know what I'm supposed to think or how I'm supposed to feel." I sighed.

"Come here," Justin said pulling me in. I let my shoulders sag and relaxed.

"Your hugs always hit different." I mumbled.

"Does Aiden's mom know you're sl*tting around?" A voice said loudly.

I pulled away to see Jennifer walk to her car, a smirk on her face. That was until she saw Justin's profile and straightened herself up. 

"Not that it's any of your concern but I was simply hugging my best friend." There were a thousand things I wanted to say to her face but I kept shut. I pushed myself off my car and headed for my house.

"I'm going to get him back." She called over my shoulder. I stopped in my tracks.

"Aiden," she continued. "I'm going to have him wrapped around my fingers again and I'm going to make sure it stays that way and I'll start by getting rid of you."

"I won't argue with you, perhaps you may get him back in your life but as far as feelings are concerned, there's nothing you can do to make the hatred and disgust he has for you go away." I didn't actually know if hated her but I was well aware he didn't like her very much.

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