Chapter 39: The Goblet of Fire

Start from the beginning

Just do your best, we'll do the rest,

And learn until our brains all rot.

I don't know what did it for me. The awkward looks and mortification on the Hogwarts students' faces or the uncomfortable silence us foreigners gave off at having to endure such a sight. Either way, I burst out laughing at the end while the rest of the students responded with applause.

As the clapping died down, Dumbledore invited us to take a seat, leading Beauxbatons to sit with the Ravenclaws and Durmstrang to sit with the Slytherins. As I walked to my seat, I passed Ginny who, after catching sight of me, gave a familiar wave with a wide smile.

"I love your uniform!" I thanked her before walking on with my three friends following along with curious expressions clear on their faces.

"Who was she?" Ana asked as we found seats facing away from the Slytherin table and further to the front.

"Ginny Weasley," I said and went on to explain the brief history of knowing her while Rosalie, Gisele and Mila joined us, standing beside a few Ravenclaws I was unfamiliar with. Probably because they were all first years.

But that's what you get when you sit in the front portion of the table. First years.

People started to stare at my friends and I among the other Beuxbatons students who had yet to sit down at their seats. Rather than feel embarrassed by the looks of confusion, I basked in it with a sturdy smirk that mirrored Jacqueline's confident attitude as we waited for Madame Maxime to find her seat and after a nod to us, sat down followed quickly by us to our seats.

"Why do you do that?" One Ravenclaw boy with shaggy black hair asked Marie curiously. A look of excitement ran across Marie's face at this open opportunity to speak in English before she turned and explained our custom while the rest of the 1st years listened oddly quiet.

"Why are we sitting with the primary students?" Jacqueline asked in French to anyone who would listen.

"Because Ava doesn't want to run into any of her old classmates," Rosalie said automatically to a scary degree of accuracy. She gave a nonchalant shrug at the look I gave her before adding that it was an educated guess.

Dumbledore stood up again from his chair and extended his arms to the students, making all of us go quiet.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and most particularly-- guests. I have the great pleasure in welcoming you all to Hogwarts. I hope and trust that your stay here will be both comfortable and enjoyable."

From further down the Ravenclaw table a derisive laugh was heard, originating from Fleur, who, post dancing had gained a bit of a chill. Not to say the rest of us were not feeling much better in our silks, but we had the decency to clench our teeth and act politely as Benoît would have expected.

"The tournament will be officially opened at the end of the feast," Dumbledore continued, unaware or purposefully naive to Fleur's slight. "I now invite you all to eat, drink, and make yourselves at home!"

Just as I had remembered, our table erupted with various settings of foods surrounding our golden plates and cups. A mix between French, Slavic, and British dishes surrounded my wide-eyed friends as I helped myself while smiling in amusement.

"We have to serve ourselves?" Mila asked bitterly as she peered daringly at a kidney pie.

"What's that?" Gisele asked, pointing to the black pudding to a first year next to her.

"There's no fruit! Who doesn't serve fruit with dinner?" Ana asked dumbfounded. I looked from my disgruntled friends to the rest of the Beauxbatons students who were having equal distaste over their change in scenery.

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