~Wedding and First looks~

Start from the beginning

This dress, which once made me feel like from a fairytale now made me feel trapped and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt Dania sitting beside me as she slowly placed my head on her shoulder and took my hand in hers. "Its alright, you'll get through this." She whispered as she placed her head on mine.

"Will I?"

She didn't say anything further as we just sat in silence. The door opened and my parents entered, but this time there was a relaxed look on my father's face. Dania helped me stand up as I faced both of them. "Do you trust me?" Abbu asked as he gave me a loving look. I slowly nodded my head.

"Would you still trust me, if I say, I found someone even better for you?" He spoke lightly and I gave my parents a confused look. My father sighed before he spoke again. "My friend Ehtesham, he asked for your hand for his son Zayaan."

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I stared at both of them wide eyed as I tried to process what he just said. How can I marry a stranger, someone who I have never met or even seen before?

"Beta, it's your choice, we would never force you to do anything." It was my mother who spoke this time and a small smile was on her face. I looked at both of their faces as they waited for my answer. I could see Dania and Kanwal standing, who themselves wore a shocked expression on their faces.

If I say no, then that meant all the humiliation my parents would have to face and not just them our whole family. And if I said yes, that meant giving my life to someone whom I didn't even know of until like five minutes ago. I had no idea the kind of person he was, what he did or anything about him.

"He is a very nice man and I believe he will keep you happy." My father stated confidently. His confidence gave me reassurance, if he thinks that he was the right person for me then I'll say yes. And that was it, I said yes.

The nikkah papers were signed, dua was made, hugs were exchanged and that's it, in a matter of hour I went from Inaya Zaid to Inaya Zayaan. Zayaan's sisters also hugged me and congratulated me. He had two twin sisters Mehak (18) and Anum(18) who were extremely happy with this marriage. His mother was also very nice as she kissed ny forehead and hugged me.

Everyone roamed around with big smiles on their faces but I just felt...empty and void of emotion. I looked at my mother, who had tears of joy running down her face. My gaze then shifted to Kanwal who also had a smile on her face but I could tell from her eyes, she felt as sad as me. I gave her a small smile to cheer her up but she shook her head, as if she could see through my facade.

The time had arrived and now I was supposed to sit with the groom on the stage and after that will be the rukhsati. Kanwal and Dania helped me out and took me towards the stage.

I could feel everyone's stare on me and could also hear some whispers but I just kept my head down not daring to look up at the person who's gaze was the most overpowering. I could feel his piercing gaze on me as we walked towards the stage slowly and I silently prayed not to trip and fall on my face.

We were now at the stairs which led to the stage. Kanwal and Dania left me and I wished that they would not leave me here alone. A hand came infront of me and I reluctantly placed my hand in his. His hand was warm as it completely enclosed around mine helping me up slowly. It was then when I finally raised my eyes and my brown ones clashed with his black brown ones.

An inaudible gasp left me as I stared at his beauty. His dark locks were messed up as if he had run his hand through it many times, he had high cheekbones and a straight nose. A 5 o clock shadow took over his jaw making it look sharper. He had perfectly arched thick eyebrows which I'm sure every girl would die to have and his pink lips were pulled in a small smirk.

And that was when I realized, I had been checking him out and that too infront of everyone. A blush took over my cheeks as I moved my gaze away from his face to behind him. My mind finally cleared up and I realized, I had been oggling a stranger.

Not a stranger, your husband.

A voice spoke from the back of my mind and I felt my face heating up even more. Husband, just the word sounded strange. I can't believe I was married. The events that took in a span of hours were enough to shake me up. I sighed tiredly as I looked around. I could see Dania standing with a knowing smirk on her face and I internally rolled my eyes. Even Kanwal looked happy now.

We stood on the stage and might I add, my hand was still in his hand. I could feel my hand getting sweaty as I tried to pull it out a bit but he just tightened his grip making me turn towards him.

A small smile pulled at his lips and I huffed. The cameraman asked us to pose as he snapped our photos. At one point, he asked Zayaan to placed his hand on my waist and for me to place ny hand on his shoulder. I awkwardly stood due to the proximity as I tried not to look at his face.

"Relax." He spoke in a deep voice. My head snapped towards him at the speed of lightening as I stared at him wide eyed. "You're too stiff. Relax a bit." He stated and I slowly tried to relax myself. Finally the photo session was over for which I was extremely grateful as I couldn't stand in his proximity for any longer.

We finally sat down and I made sure to sit at a bit of a distance. I think he noticed that because his face was suddenly void of emotion and I could see anger in his eyes. Or maybe it was just my imagination.

The rest of the wedding passed by and by the end of it I just wanted to sleep. The dress felt heavier on me now and I just wanted to get rid of it. But I couldn't as it was the time when I had to leave my family behind.

It was time for Rukhsati

Opinions? What type of person do you think Zayaan is?
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