We scanned the road for a tall, pale, platinum blond ferret, but found none.

"Let's go check Knockturn Alley, he could be there." Harry suggested after 8 minutes of searching.

"Yeah, it's our best bet." We quickly apparated to Knockturn alley, and within minutes, we found the Slytherin we were looking for. They made their way over to him.

"Malfoy, we need to ask you something." I said, causing him to turn around.

"And what is that Granger?" He sneered, glaring at me and Harry.

"C'mon Hermione, he's not going to tell us anyway." Harry said, grabbing my arm lightly.

"No Harry! The person who treated me like a daughter just killed my parents! I need to know if she lied about anything else!" I yelled. I paled as I realized I had said that aloud, and in front of Malfoy.

"What? The blood traitor killed your muggle parents?" Malfoy looked pretty shocked.

"Yes Malfoy." I grumbled, not wanting to look at him.

"What did you want to ask me Granger?" he asked, a little soft. I was shocked at the tone of his voice, usually he sneered or yelled at me.

"Well, we wanted to know if the Order had been lying about anything else. Like about what Voldemort's real plans are. And if he really wants to kill anyone who isn't a pureblood." Harry said, knowing that I wasn't ready to talk. I hadn't said the fact that my parents were murdered aloud yet. I needed time to let it really sink in.

"Well, I think that's something you should ask the Dark Lord yourself." Draco said. He carefully walked up to us, showing he didn't mean any harm. He carefully grabbed my hand, and motioned for Harry to grab my other. I closed my eyes as I felt my stomach turn upside down. I didn't open them until I felt solid grass under my feet. I let go of the two boys hands and my my own on my knees. Taking deep breaths, trying to steady my stomach. I glared at Harry and Malfoy when they chuckled at me.

"Shut it you two. Or else your both going to get my right hook." I laughed when they backed away, hands raised in surrender. I laughed as I stood up, smiling when the other two laughed. I don't think the three of us had ever laughed together like this.

"Okay, lead the way Malfoy." Harry said once he caught his breath.

"This way Potter, Granger." We followed his to the door, I stepped slightly behind Malfoy, why? I don't know. He opened the door, moving slightly so Harry and I could walk in. I followed Harry into the manor. I looked over when I heard someone close a door.

"Draco, dear, why is Harry Potter and Hermione Granger standing in our doorway? And for Merlin's sake, close the door." Mrs. Malfoy asked, not in a rude way, but purley curious.

"Yes Mum." Draco quickly shut the door before continuing, "And it's not really my place to say the reason, but they're here to ask the Dark Lord some questions." I smiled at how kind he was being, I hoped this wasn't all just a trick.

"Okay, why don't you two come in here and warm up. He's in a meeting at the moment." They followed Mrs. Malfoy into the living room. Harry and I sat onto a dark green and silver couch while Malfoy and his mother sat on a couch opposite them.

"Thank you for letting us into your home Mrs. Malfoy." Harry said smiling and nodding to the house elf who handed us hot chocolate.

"Of course dear! And please, Mrs. Malfoy makes me feel old, call me Narcissa or Cissa." she smiled at us as she sipped her hot chocolate.

"Okay, Cissa. Thank you again. And it's only fair to repay you by telling you the reason we're here." I said, smiling at my old enemy's mother.

"Oh dear, you don't have to tell me if you're not ready yet."

"No, no. It's fine, it's only fair for you to know." I took a deep breath, waiting for Harry to nod before I went on. "This morning, I planned to obliviate my parents, to keep them safe during the war. I went for a walk to clear my head, I was gone for about an hour. When I got back, there were two muggle stretchers carrying out my parents, who were dead. I went to my room and found a letter. It said, 'Dear Mudblood, As you can see, we murdered your parents. Even you can't be stupid enough to not realize that. We murdered your parents for the fun of it, and it would hurt you in the war. Should have stayed with them so we could have killed you too.'  It had the dark mark at the bottom instead of a signature, so I thought one of your death eaters had written it.

"When I got to the Burrow, Harry told me about a spell and potion that could show me who had wrote the note, and murdered my parents, assuming the same person had written the note. When we put the letter in the potion, it showed us who wrote it. And it was Molly Weasley." Harry put an arm around me as I cried silently.

"Then we went to find Malfoy, we wanted to know if they lied about anything else. And the only person we could think of, is the person they claimed to be the most evil person alive." Harry finished for me.

"Oh dear, come here. I am so sorry about what happened, I know Molly probably treated you like a daughter." Cissa stood up and opened her arms for a hug. I couldn't help but cave and hug her back. I felt good, it felt like a loving motherly hug, not one of Molly's bone crushing hugs, those had always made her feel as if she was making sure she knew Molly was stronger. I hugged her back and sobbed into her chest, she rubbed my back soothingly until I stopped crying. I sat back down, Malfoy had moved to sit next to Harry to allow me to sit next to Cissa.

"Hello Miss Granger, Mr Potter." We turned our heads to see Voldemort standing in the doorway.

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