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⚠ Basics ⚠

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Basics ⚠

/hunt with... (cat)
Go hunting to bring prey back to the Clan
-1 energy

/hunt with all (cat)
Let's you join a hunting patrol
-1 energy

/hunt alone (cat)
Go hunting alone, has a chance of bring prey to the Clan
-1 energy

/patrol with... (cat)
Patrol the Border to help keep it up, must have 2-4 cats to work
-1 energy

/patrol with all (cat)
Let's you join a patrol
-1 energy

/forage for (sticks/herbs) with... (cat)
Collect sticks or herbs for the Clan
-1 energy

/forage for (sticks/herbs) with all (cat)
Let's you help collect sticks or herbs
-1 energy

/forage for (sticks/herbs) alone (cat)
Go foraging alone, has a chance of bringing sticks or herbs back
-1 energy

/train (skill) with... (cat)
Train a skill with another cat. Will raise whoever is lower in the skill by .5
-1 energy

/heal (sick cat) (cat)
Used by Medicine Cats and their apprentices
-1 energy

/assist (queen)'s kitting
Used by a Medicine Cat to aid a Queen during her birthing. If not used, complications may arise.
-1 energy

/play with... (cat)
Used by kits and their parents to help raise their play level.
-1 energy from all who join

/explore out of camp
Used by kits to help raise play skill and maybe even receive a +1 skill boost when they become an apprentice. Has a chance of catching Bloodcough however
-1 energy

⚠ Cure Related Commands ⚠

/looks for cure at (location) (cat)
Used by Medicine Cats, helpers, and Medicine Cat Apprentices. A list of locations will be added with every moon
-1 energy

/quarantine (infected cat) (Leader)
Used by leaders to isolate infected cats with Bloodcough
-0 energy

/observe (possibly infected cat) (cat)
Used by Medicine Cats and their apprentices. Can see if a cat is infected or not
-1 energy

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