Meeting a Friend

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Also known as: How Setara met Misraaks for the first time, and it is not in the best way she could've hoped for.

Warnings: Blood, Gore (?), Swearing
Setara decided that she hated the Arcology more than the Moon at this rate.
Yes the Moon was broken and had abandoned stations dotted over the surface, and it had the reputation of being 'haunted' but you could enter one way into the Circle of Bones through Hellmouth and exit through into Archers Line, so you could always find a way out from a Low Light zone into a High Light zone.

But the Arcology only had two access points, and from point A to point B had Hive roaming all over it with the occasional Fallen wandering around as well.

Sighing, Setara shrugged off her cloak as she slid down the wall of one of the empty hallways. The last encounter with anything that was remotely alive was an extremely powerful Wizard and its Knight, not the greatest combination. Especially when the Knight has a big sword and likes to swing wildly, making it near enough impossible to dodge both the blade's edge and the Wizards electricity without sustaining at least a few injuries- including a major one or two.

Paired with the fact the Wizard fired off a few stray attacks after Setara had finished them off with her last Pulse Grenade, the attack had punctured a major cooling system that kept the higher section of the Arcology cool enough for people to walk around.

Placing the bundle up cloth on her side to stem the bleeding as much as she can, Setara looked around for any signs that could tell her where she was on the Arcology but everything was covered in a Hive like chitinous gel and was it her or was everything starting to get hazy?

</Setara please, let me come out and heal you./> Glitches begged her, his voice modulator cracking slightly in fear.

"I'm afraid not sunshine, I- ugh, I need you to stay alive. Especi-especially if I pass, you can... can trust you to-to get a signal out." She grunted out, letting out a hiss as she stood up again, albeit shakily. The heat was starting to get to her, she had worn one of the warmer armours from her inventory as Titan had a habit of being cold due to all of the rain and wind bringing up the fine mist from the waters surrounding the bases.

</Setara! Please!/> It was rare for Glitches to beg, completely different to his usual snarky personality. Setara just shook her head and walked in what she hopped to be a straight line. If she could just make it to an area that had very little Hive activity, and had enough Light to sustain Glitches, then she would allow him to heal her. She also had to finish the quest Sloane had sent her.

Find the stolen Methane Reactor and return it.

Sounds simple.

Should've been simple

Was told that it was simple.

Setara decided that if she makes it out of the Arcology, she's telling Cayde that she's taking a week off and staying in the City or in an abandoned camp site up near the Norwegian Forests just to relax.

If she makes it out.

A low chattering could be heard over the channel she left open in case something happened, but this is the first time she's heard any sort of feedback on the channel in the last couple of hours. Looking around, Setara just made out a sign that said she was on the lower sub-levels of the Arcology and that she needed to go down another level or two to reach the Basement area (that's what she decided to dub it because the name was scratched out but something, and Sloane wasn't clear on the name either), so rightfully- there shouldn't be any chatter on the comm lines.

</Hello? Can anyone hear us?! Requiring immediate back up, we have an injured Guardian that needs urgent medical attention!/> Glitches called out, but was met with garbled jargon that sounded like an infant had grabbed hold of the device. The line finally cut out with a high pitched feedback that left Setara flinching back slightly and Glitches complaining in their link. Setara pushed on forward, and admittedly ripped a few strips off her cloak to help stem the blood flow better.

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