Chapter 1

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Guardians' P.O.V:

As you walked out of the forest, you let out a quite sigh and tightened your cloak so it wouldn't blow off in the winter wind- you loved the Dawning festivals and the weather it brought with it, but you weren't really fond of the large crowds.

"I know what you're thinking Echo, if it weren't for the situation that just occurred... I would just say relocate... but..."  Your ghost trailed off, looking almost forlorn. Your house that you had lived in safely for the past five/six years had just been destroyed not only by the 'local' Fallen but as well as the Hive. It was extremely rare for the two species to live peacefully, but to also work together? That concerned both you and your ghost, so you left the 'safety' of the dead forest and headed off to see Devrim Kay in the Trostland to warn him of the situation, then to the Farm to tell Hawthorn, then get someone to the Vanguards so they can rely the same message.

Devrim Kay, the leader of the Trostland and the only person (excluding your ghost) that you trusted enough with your true identity and history- he was like a father figure to you (as well as Mark when he popped by the Church), once you decided to live near by and did several missions for him extremely well. Devrim saw potential in you and started to care for you like you were his own child, it was nice... comforting... seeing as you don't remember your full past...

With a shake of your head, you carried on walking up through the broken roads and killed or spared Fallen here and there; your ghost had retreated back into your helmet, making comments about the buildings and what they imagined the buildings used to look like. It was nice, you had nicknamed your ghost North seeming as you both met in the Northern hemisphere when you first became a Guardian. Even North was content with the name, but only allowed you to call them that.

Eventually, you both made it into the Trostland district and started a small jog towards the Church, where you ignored the stares and points of other Guardians- this was why you rather be by yourself, if you're new or someone who doesn't make regular visits, Human's/Awoken/EXO's start making comments or judging, something that bothered you. You made it inside with little to no contact with other Guardians and jumped up to Devrims' platform, waiting for him to finish debriefing a Guardian who you took as a guess, was a newbie- judging by their fearful yet determined look. You felt some sort of sympathy towards them, but hey, that's part and past of being a Guardian, a being filled with the Travellers' light. Once Devrim finished the debriefing, he quickly noticed you and ushered the other Guardian out of the Church, pulling you over to a worn down sofa and armchair.

"Echo, I haven't seen you in a while. What's wrong?" A look of genuine concerned passed along Devrim's features, making his wrinkles appear more prominent and making him seem older than he already is. You sigh and hold out your hand, waiting for North to materialize and explain everything seeing as your head was running around a million miles per hour, and even you were struggling to comprehend what was going on. 

"Hi Devrim. We have some bad news..."  North trailed off, giving you a look that you couldn't decipher and carried on talking, "Our home was destroyed by Fallen and the Hive. They were working together Devrim."  Now this caught Devrim's attention, you noticed as he leant forward and a harden gazed settled over his features.

"Fallen... and Hive... working together. This close to the districts'? That is bad news..." Devrim leant back in his seat once again and started muttering- you, becoming bored, walked over to his normal window position and pulled out your scout rifle, the Maestro-87 and took aim at the patrolling Cabal a few hundred metres from the entrance to the Church. You let out a breath and took aim, finger barely touching the trigger before you emptied your round into two Legionaries and one of their Incinerator's, causing their fuel tank to explode and killing all but one- to which you simply chucked a pulse grenade at, giving it no time to hide and fire back. You smirk at your work and reload, before turning around and seeing both Devrim and North smirking at you (well the best a Ghost can imitate smirking anyway). You let out a sheepish grin and a hushed chuckle as you sat on the floor and waited for Devrim to continue talking normally.

"Right, because of what your Ghost just told me, I'll alert all the Guardians in the area meanwhile you go the Farm and alert Hawthorn as well as the Vanguards." That caught your attention, Hawthorn you understood seeing as the Farm was a safe haven for any wounded Guardians and random civilians- but the Vanguards? That was normally Devrim's job.  It seemed like North was just as confused as you were.

"Vanguards? Here at the Farm?"

"Yeah, I don't know why either. Louis arrived a few hours before you guys did with a note from Hawthorn explaining the situation."

"Okay then, Guardian, you're about to finally meet your Vanguard face to face. For once."  North said, materializing back into the helmet before you could give them an incredulous stare. You really disliked that idea, but still complied with the 'mission' that was given and waved good bye to Devrim before jumping out the window, dodging a few stray bullets here and there and spawned in your sparrow- starting up the thirty minute ride to the Farm.

As you were driving through the semi-abandoned roads, you mind filled with questions and anxieties.

'How am I going to tell them?'

'Will they look at me weirdly because I never visit the tower? Do they now that I'm the one that sends their Ghost to the tower to receive missions?'

'Will they question my lack of voice?'

The last thought had you in a frenzy, surely they wouldn't ask a personal question like that would they? No, they wouldn't, they respected boundaries... they had too. Shaking your head, you throttled the accelerator and sped up, nearing your destination didn't help your racing heart beat but you let out a bated breath and slowed down... you had reached your destination.

You dismounted your sparrow and walked towards the gates, the Farm had arms open wide for you but you no longer paid attention to the others around or the whispers that wonder who you were. Your eyes found another pair, a vibrant glowing blue peered back at you, eyes belonging to an EXO, eyes belonging to your Vanguard... Cayde-6.

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