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*Holton's POV*

Christmas was exactly how I had wanted it to be. Austen and I laid in bed until almost noon, watching the falling snow that had begun the night before. We talked quietly between ourselves about everything. She seemed to have a fond interest in my baseball career and even asked when our spring pick up games would begin. It was heart warming to know that she was interested in such an important part of my life from past and present.

We eventually dragged ourselves out of bed to make a nice breakfast of French Toast and bacon. Austen still asked for bacon nearly every morning and I happily gave in, every morning. She made hot chocolate with spiraled whip cream on top and giggled whenever it got on one of our noses. Her happiness and excitement was childlike and helped personify the Christmas spirit.

As for presents, we each got each other one thing. That was our deal.

I had searched for a while, trying to pick the perfect gift for Austen as this was our first Christmas together and it meant a lot to the both of us. I had considered clothing or jewelry, but I was worried she didn't want anything materialistic. She had always been such a simple, happy girl, that I worried she didn't think it was heartfelt.

I had ended up choosing a very simple tennis bracelet that had a pink tinted diamond in the center. If Remi happened to be a boy, I would have gotten her blue. I had tucked it away in my closet once I had bought it so Austen wouldn't accidentally stumble upon it. Even if she did, I don't peg her as the nosy type so she probably would have left it alone.

"Austen, can I give you your present?" I had asked after we cleaned up from breakfast. We were standing by the sink as she was wiping down the granite and i was loading the dishwasher and cleaning the stove top.

"Yeah, lemme grab yours too." She replied, placing the wash cloth on the counter. She was still in her sports bra and my sweatpants hung lose on her hips as those were her favorite things to wear right now. I melted every time she pulled on one of my sweatshirts or t-shirts. Something about seeing her tiny figure swamped in my clothes made my heart melt. Her stomach was still growing, but it was still small on her petite frame, but she's never looked better in my opinion.

I followed her into our room and I reached into my closet as she opened the drawer where our bathing suits were kept.

"We suck at hiding presents." I laughed as I pulled the door closed with the silver wrapped box in my hand. She giggled as she pulled a large box out of the drawer, rearranging the suits before she closed the drawer. "Come here."

I tugged her over to the unmade bed and settled in the center, pulling her between my out stretched legs. She set her box down by my leg and I set mine on her lap where she sat with her legs out too. She settled against my chest and I in turn leaned against the head board so we were comfortable. She was warm and soft and everything I could ever want. Her breathing was soft as she seemed relaxed in my grip. I loved that I helped her feel safe.

"Open yours first." I murmured, inching it closer to her hand before I wrapped my hand underneath her stomach.

She tentatively picked up the box and began undoing the paper, careful not to cut herself. As she pulled the navy box free from the paper, she twisted lightly to look at me with curious eyes.

"Just open it." I chuckled, kissing beneath her ear and balling the paper up in my hands, tossing it in the general direction of the trash bin.

"Holton." She muttered, her voice thick as she pulled the bracelet from the felt bearing. The diamonds sparkled in the light from the windows and she rotated it until she found the pink one. "This is gorgeous."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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