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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Austen, happy birthday to you." A chorus of voices sung as I rolled over from a deep sleep and squinted. Madiline was standing beside my bed with a hearty stack of pancakes, Ford and Holton standing next to her. The three of them were beaming with pride as Madi thrusted the plate in my direction.

It was November 20th and I was turning 20, my golden birthday.

"Thanks guys." I grinned up at them as I sat up and rearranged my blankets so they could sit with me.

"I've gotta go to class actually, but I wanted to make you a little breakfast before I headed out." Madiline explained, placing the plate in my lap and setting a bottle of syrup on my nightstand next to me.

"Thank you Mads." I reached up to hug her and she squeezed me back quickly before scurrying out of my room, Ford right behind her.

"Happy birthday Aussie." Holton murmured, sitting on the bed next to me and pressing a kiss to my temple, letting it linger for a moment.

"Thank you H." I replied, leaning into his side and absorbing his ever present warmth.

"Eat up babe." He demanded lightly, grabbing the syrup and making a little puddle on the side of my plate for me.

It had been nearly three weeks since Holton and I had shared our first kiss (post conception of our child, that is) and we had still been moving rather slowly, but he was no longer nervous to give me small pecks here and there. We also loved throwing around little pet names, I loved when he called me babe.

For every bite I took, I gave one to Holton and he argued at first, but when he realized how much food I really had, he eventually gave up.

"Tomorrow's the day." He reminded me giddily, raising his eyebrows in excitement.

"I know and you still think it's a girl don't you?" I asked, placing the empty plate on the table next to me.

"And you don't?" He asked jokingly, pulling me down gently so we were laying side by side.

"I'm not sure honestly. Just so excited." I told him quietly, glancing out the window at the clouds covering the sky outside.

"Me too." He agreed, kissing my cheek gently before resting his head next to mine. "You have chem and math today, right?"

"Yeah, but my professors are excusing me tomorrow though, so I can't complain." I explained. My professors have been more than supportive of me continuing school while pregnant. They always asked for updates and they made sure I was alright throughout the week, sending me emails or talking before class.

"I don't have classes on Friday, so I guess it just worked out or me." Holton laughed breathily before pushing himself up. "I'm gonna grab a shower real quick."

I nodded in acknowledgment and stood up too, walking over to my closet to try and find something to wear. I had showered last night and braided my hair, so I was pretty much good to go after I got dressed.

It was getting more and more difficult to choose outfits in the morning. On one hand I wanted to show off my growing bump that held my little baby, but on the other hand, I just wanted to wear Holton's sweatshirts and my leggings. Today I decided to mix it up and wear a tighter long sleeve shirt and black leggings. It was pretty cold out so I set aside a fuzzy jacket so I could grab it before I went out the door.

The white long sleeve shirt hugged my stomach nicely and I caught myself slowly turning in front of the mirror to see myself at all angles. I really was fascinated about the fact that I was growing a little human inside me, made by Holton and I. When we made the baby, we had barely known each other, but now, if I were to have to go a day without seeing Holton, I'm not sure what I would do.

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