Home isn't always where the heart is.

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***This book takes place the summer before Harry, Ron, and Hermione went to find the horcruxes***
**I do NOT own any of these characters, I only own the plot**
*Please listen to this song while reading:)*

I was dreading today, I reluctantly pulled my feet across the sidewalk. I really didn't want to go home, because when I got there, I was going to have to Obliviate my parents. It was the only way to keep them safe during the war. I had went out for a walk, to clear my mind or else the spell won't work. I had been out for longer than I had expected, nearly an hour. 

I was quickly pulled from my thoughts when two police cars whipped by me, turing onto my street. The blood drained from my face, expecting the worst. I started to sprint back to my house. And stopped dead in my tracks when I saw that there where 3 police cars, and two ambulances in front of my house. I choked back a sob when I saw to stretchers with the blanket pulled over the bodies underneath. I quickly ran past a police officer, trying to get to my parents.

"I'm sorry miss, we can't let you go in there right now." he said as he grabbed my arm, pulling me back.

"But those are my parents!" I screamed, trying to pull away from the man.

"I'm sorry miss. But you can't see the bodies at the moment." he repeated, pulling me to sit on the hood of one of the police cars.

"Can you at least tell me what happened?" I asked as I reluctantly sat on the hood.

"We got a call from your neighbor, claiming they heard crying and screaming. Then they said they heard a loud crack before it went dead silent."

"-Can I get my things from my room? I have to leave for boarding school in a few days." I asked, trying my hardest to stay strong, I would not cry.

"Yeah, I suppose you can. What boarding school are you going to? So I can send you a letter if we find anything out." I quickly told him the muggle name for Hogwarts before I ran inside. I stumbled up the stairs to my room. I fell on the bed, sobbing.  'Who would do this?'

I sat up, forcing myself to stop crying. I started to pack my things when I noticed a letter on my desk. I carefully picked it up as if it was dynamite. I slowly opened it, tears silently falling down my face as I read.

Dear Mudblood,

As you can see, we murdered your parents. Even you can't be stupid enough to not realize that. We murdered your parents for the fun of it, and it would hurt you in the war. Should have stayed with them so we could have killed you too.

Instead of a signature, the dark mark laid at the bottom of the page. Of course it was Voldemort and his death eaters. Who else, of course not the order. I mentally slapped myself for even suggesting it.

I finished packing my things before I apperatted to the burrow. I walked up the driveway to the door, knocking quietly. I quickly wiped my face, realizing it was streaked with tears. I dropped my hands when the door opened, revealing Molly Weasley. I swear I saw a bit of power or maybe pride in her eyes before it turned to a motherly love. "Hermione! I thought you weren't going to get here until tomorrow." she said as she wrapped me in a bone-crushing hug.

"Yeah, well, something came up." I mumbled, hugging her back before letting go.

"Oh it's okay dear. Go ahead and take you things up to Ginny's room. I'll have the twins put another bed in there." I nodded and walked up the stairs to Ginny's room.

I knocked on the door before walking in. "Hey Ginny." I waved as I put my trunk down where my bed would usually be.

"'Mione!" she got up and almost knocked me over with a giant hug. "I thought you were coming tomorrow?" she asked as she pulled back, holding me by my shoulders.

"Yeah, uh, something came up." I told her, hoping she wouldn't ask for details about it.

"Okay, you can talk to me about it if you need to. You know that, right?" 

"Of course I know that Ginny! I promise I'll talk to you about it when I'm ready." I smiled at my girl best friend. "Now, let's go. I haven't seen Harry or Ron and I've been here for about ten minutes." I grabbed her hand and pulled her down the stairs, only stopping when we got to the backyard. 

"Harry James Potter! Ronald Bilius Weasley! Come and give your best friend a bloody hug!" I yelled at the male part of the Golden Trio, elbowing Ginny when she laughed at my statement.

"HERMIONE!" They both yelled, bringing their brooms down to the ground, and running over to me. Harry wrapped me in a huge hug. "I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow." I pulled back from the hug only to be pulled into another one by Ron.

"Yeah, something came up." I said, pulling back from Ron, trying my hardest not to cry. Harry noticed, giving me that look. You know, the look that says 'you-better-tell-me-late', I nodded towards him.

"C'mon 'Mione, let's go get something to eat. I'm starving." Ron groaned as he walked towards the kitchen, Ginny close behind, shaking her head. Harry and I laughed as he put an arm over my shoulder as we followed the red-headed siblings.

"So, 'Mione. Are you okay? What happened?" Harry asked, as we walked through the door.

I sighed, knowing I had to tell him this. He has been my best friend since first, he was there for me when Ron or Ginny wasn't. He's the only family I have left. "Okay, well, I kind of have to show you something." We walked up the stairs to mine and Ginny's room. I walked to my trunk and grabbed out the letter. I just handed it to him as I sat down on the bed that the twins must have brought up. I stared at the scratched up floor, finally I stopped trying to be strong. I let it all out, I broke down, sobbing. Harry sat down next to me, saying nothing and letting me cry on his shoulder. 

After 10 minutes, I finally stopped crying. "Hermione, I know a spell we can use-"

"A spell for what Harry?"

"Well, it needs a potion too for it to work, but it will tell us who wrote the note, and who killed your parents, assuming the same person wrote the letter." he said as he pulled me in for another hug, he rubbed my back gently.

"Okay, let's do it." I said, pulling back from the hug a little bit, to look at my best friends face.

"Alright." We quickly got the different ingredients for the potion. 3 ashwinder eggs, 1 tablespoon of powdered common rue, the piece of parchment, and a drop of blood from the person desiring to know. Harry and I both pricked our fingers and let a drop of blood into the cauldron. I nodded at him, and he dropped the letter into the bubbling mixture. The potion turned from a carmel brown, to a dark, crimson blood red. The letter flew out of the cauldron and onto a table. I started to move forward to grab it, but Harry held me back. "Wait, look." he whispered as he pointed to the paper. I turned back to the paper and I gasped.

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