Three: His Mistake

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Jacob sat next to Alicia.

She smiled and went back to the map.

Schlau walked up to her chair and put up the hologram. "Here, in the middle-class sector," she said, pointing toward a section on the holographic map, "is where the rebellion is."

Alicia raised her hand. "Well, if we go in now, although we would need to get rid of the rebellion, would be stupid. We wouldn't know the strength or quantity of the rioters. I say we give it a week, send some scouts to collect data, and then decide our move."

Schlau seemed to agree with this idea, then dismissed the meeting shortly after. Jacob quickly exited, trying to avoid any unnecessary contact with that demon. His thoughts went dark, as if being controlled by his innermost desire of revenge, nearly Creating a knife in his hand, when Alicia came over.

"Speaking of a next move, can you meet me at the Temnota Bar later? Knowing you seem out of her control as well, I need to know more about you."

Still in the grip of his dark thoughts, however, he seemed able to focus on other things. "Sure, I'd love to. That's the place on Back Street, right?" 

She simply nodded. "See you soon." And she ran off. But he still felt the grip of his dark desire for revenge... And something else, that he couldn't place. Was he going crazy?

That night, he waited outside Temnota for Alicia, calling Chris on his Communicator.

"So, you hooking up with that cute chick from the Exams?" Chris chuckled.

Jacob blushed. "No. We're just hanging out." 

Chris snorted. "Uh-huh."

"Oh, she's here. Bye!"

"By-" Jacob hanged up before Chris could even finish his sentence. Why was he so excited, anyway?

Alicia was in a black dress, which was quite revealing. Her high heels made her the same height as him, surprisingly. She smiled at him. "I decided to try out a pre-Eidel style. 'Little black dress,' I believe they used to call it," she said.

Jacob simply nodded, eyes wandering at her bust. He knew exactly what he wanted now. But he couldn't. His thoughts came rushing toward him. Do it. No, don't. Yes. No. Yes. No.

He looked at her and led her into the bar. They got window seats, and were told to wait a few minutes for their server. He looked in her eyes and said, "Have you noticed that Schlau never ages?"

Alicia grinned, nodding. "Yeah. What is she, eighty? Yet, she looks like she's only a bit older than us."

The server (Jonas was his name, according to his shiny, golden name tag) took out his little pad to write down their orders. "What would you two like to drink?"

"A large glass of the wine," Alicia said.

"I'll take a water to start," Jacob said. Jonas wrote down the order and headed off. Alicia gave Jacob a look.

"A water? Really? We're at a bar, if you haven't noticed," she grinned.

"I like to start with a water before alcohol. Clears any other tastes in my mouth," he told her. She shrugged. Jonas came back to the table, serving the drinks. Alicia took a large gulp of the wine, smiling at Jacob. 

"So, where did you grow up?" Alicia asked.

"The capitol. You know, the place that's rebelling? Might ring a bell?"

She snorted, taking another sip of wine. "I don't know. Sounds familiar. I think I've heard of it once or twice."

He took a sip of water. "So, where are you from?"

She winked, and drained the glass before continuing. "I would tell you, but it's confidential. I'd have to kill you if I did."

He chuckled at this. "Okay, Ms. Top-Secret. Have you ever killed anyone?"

"Ooh, getting into my personal crimes, are we? Well, I did once. I got into a street brawl. Didn't know my own strength and snapped the kid's neck when I upper-cut him. Let me tell you, not a pretty picture."

He took another drink, trying to hold back a snicker. 

"What about you, Mr. Perfect?"

He sighed, remembering something he had longed to put out of his mind. "It was my fifth day of my oil job. Some kid next to me was being a fool. I got really mad and punched him. When I opened my eyes, there was suddenly a knife in my hand. Didn't know where it came from, it was just... There. Blood was streaked everywhere. Luckily, we were alone in the room, so I made it look like it was because he hurt himself on the machine."

"Yeesh. You had oil? That sucks," she said, getting her glass refilled by Jonas.

"What were you?" Jacob said.

"Delivery. Let me tell you, the high-classes hated me. One woman had the nerve to have her son throw raw eggs at me."

"That sounds worse," he sighed. "I mean, our conditions were bad, and we risked death by machine. But nothing is worse than being hated by your same kind, all because they're oh-so-high-and-mighty." He knew this well, as his aunt had refused to even speak to him directly the first few times they saw one another.

They sat in silence for a while, Alicia finishing off three more glasses. She was intoxicated enough that her words slurred and her walking was uneven. Jacob sighed.

"I... Think we need to get you out of here." He picked her up.

She giggled. "I like your hair... It's funny," she said. He rolled his eyes and continued. He looked down at her. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.

He put her down. As if his body was acting on it's own, he shoved his hand down the top of her dress. 

"Jacob... What are you doing?" Alicia slurred.

"Whatever I damn well please," is all he said. Then he shoved her into the trunk of the car and ripped off her dress. She tried to shove him off, but she was too drunk to get him off. Eventually, as if she recognized she couldn't do anything, she stopped. She just went completely numb, but not dead.

And he continued doing what he "damn well pleased". Who was stopping his dark desires, anyway?

Jacob woke up in the back of his car, naked and blinded by the sun. Recalling the events of last night, he just laid there, looking at Alicia's peaceful face. Her eyes fluttered open. She looked shocked, then seemed to search her memory for last night's memories. She clearly found them, because she was mad. "You fucking bitch!"

"Alicia, I-"

"No, I don't want your excuses!" She threw the dress at him and Created herself a new top and pants. "You just lost your only fucking friend here, Jeigina." With that remark, she stormed out of the van. All the emotions he had kept hidden for years came rushing toward him. But only one thought stuck.


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