Despite being a daughter of a CEO of a famous cosmetic company, she sure doesn't put on a lot of make-ups, one thing Aurene liked about her friend. Unlike others, she doesn't boasts about herself, and prefer to keep herself on low-profile. Aurene herself was surprised when the girl approached her, not to talk about those damn S Class, but purely wanting to be her friend.

"If I were to be those S Class, I would've chosen you as my classmate."

One of the questionable power of the S Class: their classmates were chosen by themselves through the agreement of the other members.

Erika's face flushed at the statement. "E-eh? I don't think I am suitable to be in the S Class. I mean, I'm not even an heir.."

"Ahh, forget what I said. You don't have to underestimate yourself, you know?" Aurene assured the fidgeting girl, putting an arm around her shoulders.

"Alright then," Erika smiled, quite sadly if Aurene might add.

Aurene had almost forgotten that her friend was sensitive around the topic of heirs, seeing that she wasn't one. Apparently, she had a lot of capable older sisters that were more suitable to be an heir instead of someone like her.

'Is being an heir really important, though? I don't really understand, but maybe that's just how this school works.'

On their way back to their classes, Erika suddenly ushered Aurene closer, which the girl complied. 

"Hey, did you know? I heard that the school web was actually managed by the S Class members!" Erika whispered with a tone of disbelief in her voice.

"Wait, what?!"

But before Aurene could question the girl further, the bell rings, a sign that all students should return to their own respective classrooms.

"We'll talk at tomorrow's lunch, 'kay?" Erika waved as she sauntered away.


'Isn't that kind of unfair, if they were the one who controls the school web? Everyone would believe what's written there, then!'

But alas, Aurene's internal complaints couldn't be voiced out unless she wants to make the whole school turned against her.

'I guess my protests have to wait for tomorrow's lunch....'


"Hey, did anyone saw Eduan?" a black haired male questioned his friends.

"He's probably skipping classes again," a petite female lazily replied while yawning.

"Really, unless there's something that interests him, he won't ever come to the class."

"Must be nice being an heir of an international company."

"Stop talking like you're not some kind of big-shots too, it irritates me."

"What do we do about the class' attendance for today?" 

"Just write that he's skipping out again, no big deal, V."

"You guys know we're going to be punished again if our attendances are not complete for this month, right?" 'V' reasoned out, turning his attention from the attendance book towards his comrades.

The black-haired male grimaced as his classmates ignored him to continue what they were previously doing. "I really need a vice-president now..."

"You sure 'bout that, V? Are you confident enough you can recruit someone that won't scream their heads off when they see us?"

A sigh once again escaped V's lips. Even he can't deny the ugly truth of that statement.

"Oh, if you wanna recruit someone, pick an interesting one!"

"Then why don't you help me, Yurin?" V turned towards the rowdy girl, who pouted at the request.

"Last time I picked one, you guys were all against it."

"That's because you picked a literal hypocrite, Yurin."

The black-haired female exhaled, slumping on the desk. "Isn't there anyone who will sincerely becomes our friend, not because of our statuses?"

But no one in the room could retort back, for the girl's words speaks a hurtful truth for them. That was the reason their current class was formed, after all.

"I do hope there is one, too," V mumbled.


"Hey, look at this. Ain't this the new transfer girl?" a figure showed the phone towards their friend.

"What? She's a commoner?! Damn, I thought she was cute too."

"What a waste, right?"

"It is a waste but I guess we don't really have any choice.."

"It's an order from the S Class after all."


HOT NEWS! Eliminate the COMMONER!

Aurene Grace, 1-D

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