Moments of the boys helping with Hana's time of the month

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"Wait I'm sure she will need these for her cramps." Yoongi picks up the bottle of ibuprofen and a bottle of water before following the rest of his members out.

They all make their way down the elevator and as soon as the doors open they swiftly make their way to the girls bathroom.

"Oh I hope this doesn't look weird or bad." Namjoon says as it may look questionable that seven boys were standing outside of a girls bathroom.

"Call her." Jin says so that the second youngest could know they were outside waiting for her, then all of the members pull out their phones.

"THAT MEANS ONLY ONE OF YOU." Jin emphasizes while face palming himself, as all of the boys were really about to try and make a phone call to Hana at the same time.

Jungkook dials Hana's number.

"Noona we're here to save you." He giggles then suddenly goes wide eyed at the earful he was getting from his older member.

"O-Okay I'm sorry we're waiting outside for you." He says before being hung up on.

"Someone isn't particularly happy with how long we took to get down here." Jungkook's lips thin as he awkwardly slips his phone into his pocket.

The door opens showing Hana. Jimin hands her the towel, the ibuprofen and water. Hana takes the pills before wrapping the towel around her waist covering her up.

As she walks out the boys all make a circle around her so no one would look at her.

"You guys it's okay I got the towel on." Hana laughs.

"Well this is just in case." Taehyung assures as it was of utmost importance that they surround her. Hana gets embarrassed as some of the idols in the snack room just stared at her walking in the center of her members.

As embarrassing as the moment was, she was just grateful at how comfortable the boys made her with the situation and how non-judgmental they were.

2016// Jungkook:

The two youngest were just chilling at home in the dorm. Watching dramas, playing games, snacking, and just simply enjoying being home not having to worry about work, as it was one of their very FEW days they had off.

"Be right back I have to go to the bathroom." Hana puts down the controller leaving Jungkook to play by himself temporarily.

Hana had gone to the bathroom and's that time of the month. She looked around in the bathroom for any pads or tampons. Before she remembered that she purposely never leaves those things in the bathroom because you know, she lives with seven guys. So she usually takes her stuff that she needs from her room with her when she goes into the bathroom.

"Oh this is going to be super embarrassing." Hana face palms herself.

"JUNGKOOK-AH!!!" She yells from the bathroom.

Jungkook's eyes widen at hearing his noona yell as if she was in distress, he quickly takes off his headset and puts the controller down to sprint to the bathroom.

"Is everything okay in there noona?" He asks concerned. Hana takes a deep breath before asking what she had to ask.

"I need you to go into my room, and go into my cabinet by my desk." She instructs.

"But you said the hyungs and I weren't allowed to go in that cabinet." He says confused as to why she would tell him to go through the cabinet that she specifically told the boys to NOT go through.

"I know what I said! But right now is an emergency. Go into the cabinet and grab a pad please!" She tells him. Jungkook runs from the bathroom to his noona's room. Going to the forbidden cabinet that's off limits to him and the rest of the boys.

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