34. No backing out now

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The world stopped.

The silence in the Great Hall was deafening to Salem's ears and she looked at Fred, George and Lee with eyes as wide as saucers. She was as white as a sheet and her mouth opened and closed, much like a gaping fish.

"I didn't put my name in, I swear I didn't," she eventually managed to whisper to the three boys who seemed just as shocked as her. Sadly for her they weren't able to utter much of a response and were rendered speechless.

She looked over at Harry and saw that he had paled as well. He had slouched down in his seat, as if he was trying to go unnoticed by the other students. That was impossible though, for everyone was staring at them, their glares were digging holes into the back and side of her head. Salem breathed in deeply, trying to console her nerves, to pretend that she had everything under control for Harry's sake.

She closed her eyes for a second and mustered all her strength and courage before slowly raising out of her seat. The motion had made the people who weren't able to pinpoint where she was sitting now stare at her blatantly. She ignored them as she made her way over to Harry. Gently she touched his shoulder and she noticed how Hermione was already trying to get him to stand up, but he wouldn't budge. "Come on, Harry."

Hearing her soft and calming voice did wonders for Harry and he gazed up at her with a desperate and terrified look in his eyes. "I didn't put my name in, Sal, I swear I didn't."

Salem's heart broke at how scared he sounded and she squeezed his shoulder in comfort while offering a small smile, trying to reassure him even though she felt everything but reassured herself. "I know, Harry, neither did I. Come on."

She offered him her hand and he took it gratefully. With one last glance at Hermione and Ron he stood up and followed Salem as they walked to the front of the Great Hall together, hand in hand. He clasped her hand tighter as people started to yell things at them.

"They aren't even seventeen!"

"They're cheating!"

"C'est un scandale, une honte!"

Salem squeezed Harry's hand once more as she held her head high proudly. They had reached Dumbledore who held out the pieces of parchments for them to take. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw her name scribbled on top of one of them and Harry's on the other.

Her eyes pierced Dumbledore's, but she wasn't able to read him. Harry tugged her along as he quickly strode past Dumbledore and to the adjoined room. There they were met with Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour and Cassius Warrington who looked up curiously as they entered.

"What's wrong, Black?" Cassius asked. His brows were furrowed in confusion as he took the two teenagers in. They were both as white as a sheet and while Salem looked as if she had everything under control her eyes betrayed how she really felt.

"Do zey vant us back?" Fleur Delacour asked.

Salem shook her head slowly, still trying to process what had happened. The door opened with a bang and Ludo Bagman strode into the room with a bright smile. "Extraordinary! Absolutely extraordinary! Five champions!"

Cassius' brow furrowed even more as he continued to stare at Salem who gripped Harry's hand tighter once more. But as realisation dawned on him his expression turned stoic and his eyes had gone cold.

"Very funny monsieur Bagman," Fleur Delacour said with a strained smile as she gazed upon Salem and Harry who were still standing in front of them, rendered motionless.

"Funny?" Ludo Bagman repeated. "No, no, it's not a joke! Harry and Salem's names were chosen by the Goblet of Fire!"

Viktor's grown deepened and his expression turned even more surly. Fleur was perplexed and her lips had thinned into an unimpressed line. Meanwhile Cassius glared at Salem accusingly, he couldn't believe that she would do something like that, stealing his and Slytherin's time to shine.

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