23. Long-awaited apologies

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Warning: Underage drinking

A beeping sound alerted Salem of the oven and she glanced through the glass door. A smile formed on her lips as she took in the pumpkin pasties which had turned out exactly like she had wanted them to.

"Miss Black?" A high voice called out and felt a slight tugging at her skirt. She looked down to see Dobby trying to balance a bottle which contained Molly Weasley's Cinnamon Sunset Cocktail. She quickly took it from the house elf and thanked him with a broad smile.

"Thank you, Dobby! I'll set it in the cooler for now with the Cockroach Clusters, so that it'll taste even better, Fred will love it."

The house elf tugged at her skirt once more while he pointed at the tray which held the blondies that needed to be put in the oven. The girl quickly pulled out the tray which held the pumpkin pasties and swapped it for the one with the blondies.

She hurriedly made her way back to the table which she was writing four invitation cards on. She put the four letters into envelopes and searched around the room for Dobby. Salem found him hanging over the tray with pumpkin pasties smelling at them while humming in approval.

"Miss Black's friends are really lucky," He said while smiling at her. "Dobby knows that these treats will be delicious."

A soft blush graced the fifth year's cheeks and she casted her eyes downwards shyly. "Thank you, Dobby, that's very sweet of you. Do you, perhaps, want one?"

Dobby's eyes widened and he gasped softly in disbelief at her. "Really? Can Dobby have one?"

Salem grinned at his innocent happiness and nodded her head. The house elf squealed and picked one of the pasties off of the tray. It was still warm considering that it had just come out of the oven and the elf sighed contently as the flavours hit his tastebuds.

Meanwhile, Salem searched for another house elf which she could ask for help. Her eyes found the small body of Pabby, he was one of the house elves she had gotten to know during her first year here and had always wanted to help her.

"Pabby?" She asked softly and the elf turned around while looking at her with his big green eyes.

"Yes, Miss Black?" His voice was slightly deeper than Dobby's, and Salem could only compare it to Snape's voice when being under the influence of helium.

"Could you deliver these letters to Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Lee Jordan and Macy Shacklebolt?" She handed him the four invitations and he nodded enthusiastically, making his ears flop back and forth.

"Certainly, Miss Black. Pabby will deliver them immediately, Miss Black!" He said and he was ready to disappear, but Salem stopped him by gently grabbing one of his bony arms.

"Thank you, Pabby, I'll leave a pumpkin pasty for you as well. That's my way of thanking you for helping me out."

The old house elf looked about ready to cry out of happiness. "Pabby can't thank you enough for your kindness, Miss Black."

This time as Pabby lifted his bony arm Salem didn't stop him and watched as the house elf snapped his in his fingers and disappeared.


Currently Salem was unfolding a blanket on top of the grass near one of the trees from where you could oversee the Great Lake. She had stalled the picnic basket at the side and settled herself against the tree. Her hand searched through her bag and enclosed on the book she was reading in that moment. The only thing she could do in that moment was wait, she just hoped that her friends would grant her the opportunity to apologise after all these months and her stomach filled with dread as she thought about how big of a chance it was that they wouldn't turn up and had had enough of her.

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