27. Death Eaters crashing the afterparty

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Just like Mr Weasley had said, their seats were incredible. They were sitting in the Skybox with Ludo Bagman, Winky (Bartemius Crouch's house-elf), Lucius and Draco Malfoy, several other wizards and witches and the Bulgarian Minister of Magic along with Cornelius Fudge. The latter avoided Salem at all cost.

He didn't know how he could face the girl after having her uncle wrongly accused of committing a mass murder, as well as betraying the Potter's. Not to mention taking twelve years of his life which he would never get back. So, the man would rather avoid all confrontation with any living member of the Black household.

Salem thought of Fudge as a coward, but where she could stand his presence she absolutely loathed the ones of Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy and Bartemius Crouch Senior. Lucius and Draco were acting like pricks as always, but more so than ever. It made the girl's suspicion rise and an awful feeling settled in the pit of her stomach.

Bartemius Crouch Senior was currently absent, but his house-elf Winky was saving him a seat. He had made an appearance earlier that afternoon at their tent however, it had been when Salem was busying herself with putting face paint on Fred and George's faces. She had heard many stories about the man. Percy always praised about him like he was God's given and Sirius always cursed him into oblivion.

It was quite the contrast.

She knew that both of them were quite biased, Sirius with good reason so, but she still wanted to figure out her own opinion on the man without being influenced by either of them. Even though Percy was acting quite pompously and arrogantly ever since he had gotten a job at the ministry, she couldn't help but feel sorry for him the second Crouch had addressed him with 'Weatherby'. How was it possible for someone to forget the name of their own personal assistant?

Her dislike had started brewing for the man in that moment and Salem would grow to loath him more as the night would come to an end...

She was pulled out of her reverie as Harry yelled loudly that Lynch had seen the snitch. And indeed the seeker of Ireland had seen the snitch, the man was bent over his broom as he sped down at high speed. Krum was right on his heels.

The next couple of seconds passed by agonizingly slow and Salem's breath got stuck in her throat as Krum gained more and more on Lynch who was outstretching his hand to try and enclose his fingers around the snitch.

The Bulgarian seeker had caught up to him completely and beat Lynch to the chase by enclosing his fingers around the snitch, and therefore catching it. Krum was able to pull up his broom at the last moment and soared into the air while holding onto the small, golden ball tightly. Lynch wasn't as lucky and crashed, for the second time that night, into the ground at high speed.

"VIKTOR KRUM HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH, BUT IRELAND WINS WITH 170 TO 160!" Ludo Bagman's voice echoed through the stadium.

Salem turned to Fred and George with an enormous smile on her face. She grabbed them both by the collars of their shirts and started shaking them vigorously. "WE WON, WE WON!"

Within seconds they found themselves in the presence of none other than the Irish and the Bulgarian national quidditch team. Fudge, who looked slightly agitated for some reason, handed the enormous cup over to Lynch and congratulated the team on behalf of the Ministry of Magic.

All of the people present were celebrating the win of Ireland and were toasting. The quidditch players of both the Bulgarian as the Irish team were making smalltalk with each other and enjoying snacks and beverages which were being brought in by several waiters.

Fred, George and Salem made their way over to Ludo Bagman who was trying to make a quiet exit. With narrowed eyes and with a posture that screamed authority the girl stepped in front of the Head of the Department of Magic Games and Sports.

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