Chapter 16: Alastor Snaps

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"She can't get in, right?" Angel asked sceptically as Elizabeth yelled from the other side of the door.

"I don't believe so, but since we are related, it is possible her powers are similar enough to mine to open the door." Alastor gulped and sat on the bed. It terrified him when his mother, who had always been a kind and gentle woman, got angry and started yelling.

Angel Dust saw Alastor's fear and hated it. Angel didn't like seeing Alastor so shooken up, it was wrong. Reaching his hand out to stroke Alastor's ears, Angel thought of a plan to distract his partner from his distress. Alastor noticed Angel's raised hand and turned to face him.

"Angel, what are you-" Alastor stopped talking as Angel's hand gently stroked the base of his left ear.

"Relax." Angel Dust couldn't help but smirk as Alastor's tense expression melted into one of tender relaxation. Angel pulled Alastor close so that his head rested on Angel's chest floof. It wasn't long before Alastor let so much of his weight lean into Angel that they both fell backwards onto the bed.

"Don't move." Alastor mumbling through the chest floof.

"Comfy?" Angel chortled through grinning teeth.

"Mhmm." Angel could hardly hear Alastor over Elizabeth and now Vaggie shouting and pounding on the door. Alastor's eyes were droopy and slightly opened. Just another minute or two and Alastor would be asleep, but Angel wasn't having that.

With a chorus of banging on the door, Angel flipped himself over, pinning Alastor under him. Alastor snapped out of his sleepy daze and almost gave a Savage growl until he realized what was going on. He wriggled at first to see how much Angel wanted to keep him pinned, it was a lot. Angel had his top third, fourth, and hidden fifth and dixth arms holding down Alastor's two, his legs, being a lot thicker and slightly longer, had Alastor's legs trapped under him. Angel's top arms were crossed and rested on Alastor's chest with Angel's head on top.

"You know I could easily escape this." Alastor stated, bemused by Angel's foolish attempts to keep him down.

"Oh I know ya could of ya used yar powers, but ya won't becaus ya don't want me to think ya rely on them to much~" Angel snickered at Alastor's scrunched his nose.

"Are you saying I can't do things without my powers?" Alastor didn't like the taste of the words in his mouth.

"I'm sayin' that ya don't have the physical strength." Alastor squinted his eyes in offense.

"Oh really?" Alastor accepted Angel's challenge and proceeded to struggle against Angel's grip on him. For a man with such a thin frame, he had quite a bit of strength. Unfortunately when Alastor had almost gotten Angel Dust off of him, the spider pressed his lips against his lover's, making Alastor stop his struggling. When they parted, Angel Dust gave a triumphant laugh.

"If you wanted that, then why didn't you ask?" Alastor asked while failing to keep a straight face.

"I like it better when I can surprise ya like that." Angel leaned down and kissed his deer again. This time they allowed their kiss to deepen as Angel's fifth and sixth hands retracted back to their hiding spot. Alastor's hands went to Angel's hair as his partner put his third and fourth hands on Alastor's hips and one of his top hands  on Alastor's chest, and the other on the back of Alastor's head.

Having completely forgotten about the squad of angry females at Alastor's bedroom door, the two making out on the bed didn't notice the door nob slowly turning open. As the make out session became a bit more, "intense", Elizabeth kicked the door open like she was a S.W.A.T. team.

"What the fuck?" Vaggie exclaimed as Angel Dust and Alastor scrambled away from each other. Inconveniently, they we're pretty "tangled up", so it took a solid two minutes if figuring out who's limb before they were able to sit side by side. Somewhere along the way, Alastor's jacket ended up on the floor, his hair rumpled, his bowtie unbuttoned, and his undershirt partially unbuttoned. The hat to Angel's bellhop uniform was beside the two, Angel's shoes were kicked off, and his hair equally rumpled.

"Holy shit." Nifty murmured. Elizabeth now stood stalk still, not sure if she should still be angry or amused.

"Well..." Alastor nervously chuckled, "I wasn't expecting you all to find out about mine and Angel's relationship like this."

"Can this wait until we discuss what happened in the lobby?" Elizabeth replied coldly. She had decided to continue to be angry.

"Mother, that piece of filth had an angel blade to Angel's back." Alastor hissed.

"That doesn't mean you wack him across the lobby!" Elizabeth retorted in a harsh tone.

"You listen hear," Alastor was suddenly up and in his mother's face, "I am sorry Mother, but you need to accept that I am not the same boy from when you were alive!" Alastor started walking, forcing Elizabeth backwards.

"I have tortured, killed, and destroyed! Everything I have done has changed me into who I am today! I am not that boy anymore, I am a grown ass man who has done things that would make some of the worst souls down here have nightmares! You need to realize that if I decide to use someone's head as my baseball because they were threatening my boyfriend, then that demon should be glad I didn't splatter his filthy guts across the wall!" Charlie, Vaggie, and Nifty were statues as they watched Alastor back Elizabeth out of the door and slam it in her face.

"Wow." Angel watched in amazement as Alastor turned away from the door and ran a hand through his hair.

"What?" Alastor sighed as he put on his usual composer and sat down next to Angel.

"I've really rubbed off on ya." Angel kept his eyes trained on Alastor as the deer snatched his jacket up off of the floor.

"Well, maybe it's not a bad thing." Alastor confessed.

"Okay, but be honest, how much of that was just because they interupted our little fun time?" Angel playfully nudged Alastor's sides.

"Angel!" Alastor's face went red, "Th-that has nothing to do with anything!"

"Uh-hu~" Angel gave a sultry grin, "Whatever you say, Babe."

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