Chapter 7: Worry

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Alastor sat at the front desk, tapping his fingers impatiently. He gave anyone who talked to him, whether it be hotel staff, his mother, or hotel guest, a blunt answered to a question, or a quick, "I'm busy." He was waiting for Angel Dust. Alastor had wanted to ask Angel if he'd like to have spend time with him, but he hadn't seen Angel all day, so he sat at the front desk, waiting. He couldn't quite figure out why a part of him was so anxious to see the spider, he saw him almost every day, but this time it felt different. Alastor was so absorbed in his own thoughts that he didn't notice Charlie, Mimzy, and his mother in the far off corner, whispering and wearing looks of concern.

"So he's been there all day?" Mimzy asked, brows furrowed. Charlie had decided to call her after Alastor had sat at the desk for about four hours. Mimzy was one I the few people truly close to Alastor.

"Afraid so." Elizabeth replied, her hands figiting nervously. She hated Alastor not talking to her. Elizabeth could tell her son was troubled.

"He won't talk to us. He won't even look at us. He just sits there, tapping his fingers and staring at the front entrance like something important is about to happen." Charlie bit her bottom lip, afraid Alastor was mad and waiting for whatever demon that had made him mad.

"Let me try talk to you to him." Mimzy tried to speak comfortingly, but her doubt crept through. She put on a stern face and stalked over to where Alastor sat.

"Alastor." Mimzy crossed her arms, staring him down.

"I'm busy." Alastor said bluntly, his eye unwavering from the front door.

"Alastor!" Mimzy's voice was a bit more firm as she drew his name out. Alastor's eyes fell upon the shorter demon, widening slightly.

"Mimzy dear! My deepest apologies, I hadn't realized it was you." Even though Alastor was now looking at her, Mimzy could see how his eyes kept shifting between her and the door.

"Charlie and your mom called me because they were worried about you. Why have you been sitting here all day?" The question caught Alastor off guard, making him pause for a moment before carefully wording his answer.

"I am waiting for someone." Alastor peeked over her again to check the door.

"Who are you waiting for?" Mimzy was answered with silence. After a few more moments, Mimzy took a educated guess.

"There's one person I haven't seen yet. Are you waiting for Angel Dust?" That got a reaction. The fingers Alastor had been tapping curled up into his hand, causing Alastor's pointed fingernail to rake across the smooth wood, making and awful screech and leaving four deep scratch marks.

"What does it matter if I am?" Alastor asked defensively. His hands moved to rest neatly in his lap as he kept his usual cool manner.

"Why are you waiting for him? Did he piss you off again?" Mimzy watched carefully for any sign that Alastor might be lying.

"Actually Mimzy darling, We've been friend's for a few days now. I was just thinking that it's a bit unusual dear Angel Dust has been gone since before anyone was awake."

"I guess that's a bit odd." Mimzy had experience with Alastor calling her early in the morning, probably around dawn (Hell is usually dark like night time, so it's hard to tell when dawn is) She also knew from Angel and Cherri being at her bar all the time that Angel liked to sleep late. He'd come in at twelve in the afternoon yawning like he hadn't been awake long.

"Maybe he's working?" Mimzy's suggestion was more of a question.

"It's strange that he would have to work this early. I mean it's not like he has strict work hours." Alastor wasn't just guessing, Angel Dust only went to work when his boss called, but why would his boss call so early? Alastor thought about the talk he and Angel had on the roof the other night and came to a sudden realization.

"Al?" Mimzy studied Alastor's now frozen face.

"I think I know what he's doing." Alastor whispered, his eyes slowly gliding to meet Mimzy's. As if on cue, Angel Dust burst through the front door, head down, shoving any demon out of his way. Upon seeing Angel, Alastor curtly stood up, almost knocking his chair back.

"Angel!" Alastor followed Angel Dust up the stairs, chasing him to the elevator. Angel managed to get the doors closed before Alastor caught him. Alastor gave a growl of annoyance and snapped his fingers, teleported to the top floor elevator door. He had to wait a couple mini before Angel came barreling out of the elevator.

"Let go!" Angel yelled as Alastor grabbed two of his arms. The other two arms started hitting Alastor relentlessly. Alastor, being immensely powerful, was able two bind Angel's four hands with black bindings. When Angel pulled out his fifth and sixth arm, Alastor pinned the arms behind Angel's back with a firm grip. Alastor did his best not to hurt Angel Dust as he steered the cursing, struggling spider into Alastor's room. Alastor pushed the spider into the room, slamming the door behind him.

"What the fuck, Alastor!?" Angel screamed, throwing a punch that Alastor easily dodged.

"What happened? You were gone all day." Alastor spoke in a calm, even manner.

"None of ya damn business, ya strawberry fucker! Get out of my way!" Angel lunged for the door, but Alastor grabbed him and instead, pinned him against the door so he couldn't go anywhere. Alastor was about to ask the same question, when he noticed Angel's face.

"Angel..." Alastor barely kept his smile on as he looked at the purple bruise on Angel's right cheek. Angel turned so Alastor saw the left side of his face. Alastor put a gentle hand on Angel Dust's face, turning Angel's face so he could see the bruise. A sudden rage filled him, Alastor wanted to find the demon who dared to put a hand on Angel and pull out each finger and toe nail, cut off each finger and toe, and roast them alive. He wanted to hear the demon scream and beg for mercy, for the pain to stop, only for them to die in dreadful pain.

"Who did this?" Alastor growled viciously throw radio static.

"Why do ya wanna know? Not like ya care." Angel spoke bitterly. Radio static filled Angel's ears as he heard Alastor's shocking reply.

"I don't just care, Angel." Symbols floated around Alastor as his eyes changed to radio dials, "I want to rip them apart until they scream for mercy as I devour the vile soul."

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