Chapter 13: A Cozy Afternoon

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Alastor awoke with a yawn and sat up to stretch out his arms before he opened his eyes. Once his eyes were opened, he was met with pink wallpapers and a figure lying beside him. He glanced down and smirked at the sleeping Angel beside him, who's pet pig, Fat Nuggets, was curled up at the foot of the bed.

Both had been worn out from dancing and we're tired when they decided to turn in for the night. Angel Dust's room was closer to the rooftop stairs, so Angel had insisted that Alastor come sleep with him. Neither had bothered to change out of their clothes, just kick off their shoes. They where both in wrinkled clothes and had disheveled hair, yet Alastor still found Angel Dust so pretty.

Alastor brought a gentle hand down and brushed a little bit of hair out of his face. Being careful so he didn't stir the sleeping spider, Alastor lowered his face down and lightly kissed the face of his beloved.

"Well good mornin' to ya too, Smiles." Angel's voice was thick with sleep as he opened one eye and smirked at the deer.

"Did I wake you?" Alastor whispered sweetly, his hand caressing Angel's cheek.

"Na. I woke up just a little before ya. Ya look really cute when ya sleep." Angel snickered, "Ya really enjoyed sleepin' on my chest floof." Alastor felt his cheeks flame up just a little.

"Well I have to admit Angel, I was a little suspicious that you were trying something when you insisted I share a bed with you, but you surprised me." Angel laughed and rolled onto his back, smacking Alastor's shoulder playfully.

"Believe it or not, but you're the first person I haven't felt an overwhelming need to fuck. Guess I love ya so much that I wanna respect your boundaries. Now get down here so I can snuggle ya." Alastor chuckled and laid down, allowing Angel Dust to pull him in for loving cuddles.

"Maybe I should tell Charlie I can't make it to work today." Alastor spoke dreamily as Angel ran a hand through his hair.

"I could do that." Angel's lower left hand reached over and searched the nightstand blindly for Angel's Hellphone. When Angel found it, he tapped on Charlie's number and started typing. A little ding sounded that the message was sent, and Angel smirked as he set the phone back on the nightstand.

"What did you tell her?" Alastor asked with half-hearted curiosity.

"I told her you went out and asked me to tell her." Angel cuddled closer to Alastor and gave him a small kiss, "Now I get to have ya all day."

"What shall we do?" Alastor draped an arm over the spider, enjoying the warmth they shared.

"Stay in bed, cuddle, talk, kiss, the usually cheesy couple shit." Angel kissed Alastor again, making it last a few moments more.

"I like that idea." The two let their foreheads touch, savouring each second they were together, as if they didn't see each other daliy. Alastor let their lips brush together again, letting their kiss last for what fell like forever. They broke apart for air in second long breaks and kissed again, letting this cycle keep repeating over and over as their kiss kept deepen with each break for air. Neither stopped until a knock came from the door. Angel Dust let out a very displeased groan.

"Maybe they shit will go away if we don't answer." Angel suggested with slight amusement.

"Angel," Alastor scolded teasingly, "there is no need to be rude. Answer the door, I'll be right here when you get back." Angel looked back at Alastor as another knock echoed from the door.

"Why do I gotta answer?" Angel ask begrudgingly.

"I went out, remember?" Alastor's voice was teasing. Angel grumbled in defeat and got up to answer the door as a third knock came from the door.

"This better be good!" Angel grunted as he opened the door wide enough so whoever it was couldn't see Alastor on the bed. His eyes widened when he saw Vaggie on the other side.

"Okay, Charlie wants to know where Alastor really went." Vaggie's foot was tapping rapidly.

"Charlie?" Angel Dust asked sceptically.

"Okay, I want to know. He's been acting off for the last few days. Are you covering for him on something?" Vaggie was getting testy at Angel's now condescending smile.

"I don't know where Alastor went, babe. Now get out of hear, so I can get back to my make out session!" Angel tried to slam the door in Vaggie's face, but didn't manage to get it closed all the way when Vaggie shoved her foot in the way. It was like she had an iron foot.

"Make out session!? Did you bring a client to the hotel!?" Vaggie's hair was now standing up and she was brandishing a white knife.

"Okay, that's enough." Alastor suddenly appeared beside Angel and pulled the door opened enough so Vaggie could see him. Vaggie's mouth dropped open and she dropped her knife.

"My dear Vaggie," even in rumpled clothes, Alastor appeared charming and charismatic, "my apologies for lying to dear Charlie, but I wanted to get away from work and spend time with Angel. You can understand since you and Charlie sometimes take a day off to be together. Now let's put the violence away and get along." Vaggie was completely speechless as Alastor, still smiling, closed the door and clapped triumphantly.

"I think that's the first time I have ever seen Vaggie shocked." Angel kept looking between the door and Alastor.

"Well, I guess I have that effect on people." Alastor gave Angel's cheek a small peck, "Now where were we?"

"Making out?" Angel raised a hand and stroked Alastor's ear, earning him a delighted purring sound. Angel raised an eyebrow and started gently scratching the base of Alastor's left ear. Alastor continued the purring noise until Angel had him sitting on the ground with his neck craned so Angel could scratch both ears vigorously.

"This is so much better." Angel muttered happily. Angel suddenly scratched a spot on Alastor's right ear and Alastor flopped to the floor, the purring starting to quiet down.

"Well I'm definitely remembering this." Angel teased, draping himself over Alastor.

"Please don't tell anyone." Alastor pleaded.

"I won't...if ya let be do your hair." Alastor turned his head to face Angel.

"You are truly evil." Angel laughed at Alastor's hurt expression.

"Ya know ya love me." Angel mused as he curled a strand of Alastor's hair around his finger.

"Alright, you can do my hair." Alastor gave in as Angel started to do puppy eyes.

"Yes! You're gonna love it!"

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