Chapter 11: The Notes

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"Alright, why are you sad!?" Charlie spoke in a stern whisper after she'd dragged Alastor to the elevator. Other demons passed by, giving them curious glances.

"Sad?" Alastor looked up as he was called out.

"You may smile all the time, but I can smell sadness from miles away. When someone I care about is sad, that's unexceptionable!" Alastor couldn't help but smirk, even if he was depressed. He'd always found Charlie's compassion and optimism inspirational. The elevator doors opened and Charlie pulled him in, making sure to put her key into the slot that let the hotel staff on the staff floor before anyone else could enter the elevator.

"Spill the beans!" Charlie turned to Alastor, arms crossed.

"I'm afraid I don't have any beans to spill." Alastor tapped his fingers on elevator wall. He could do this all day.

"Alastor!" Charlie's voice had a sudden steel to it, "If you don't tell me what emotional rod has been shoved up your ass, I swear to God that I will tell your mother and let her deal with your crap!" Alastor's head snapped to face Charlie. He'd not been expecting this sudden ace up her sleeve.

"You wouldn't dare." Alastor hissed with venom.

"Spill the damn beans you emotionally complicated fuck." Charlie didn't back down. Alastor growled in annoyance.

"Fine!" He gave an exasperated sigh as Charlie went from pissed to ecstatic.

"Really!?" Charlie had never been able to get Alastor to share anything personal with her before.

"Yes. Let's just wait until we reach the top. The living room should be vacant." Charlie bobbed up and down from her happiness as they waited to reach the top.

When they reached the top floor, Charlie followed along side Alastor as they went into the living room. They sat on the couch, Charlie waiting eagerly for Alastor to talk to her. Alastor let out a long, drawn out sigh.

"Hypothetically speaking Charlie, what if I were to tell you that I may or may someone...romantically?" Alastor looked over to see Charlie staring up at him, obviously trying not to scream with excitement.

"Well~" Charlie thought about f her next words carefully, "since we're speaking hypothetically, can I ask who this person is?" Alastor glanced at her again. He appeared to be thinking very hard on his answer.

"This hypothetical person is someone you know, and is tall. That's all you need to know." It was clear that was all she would be getting from him about the identity of the "hypothetical" person.

"Well Alastor, does this hypothetical person know you love them?" Charlie scooted just a little closer, doing everything she could to make sure she could tell Alastor was telling the truth, and that she didn't make him uncomfortable.

"No." Alastor suddenly grew sullen, "They can never know. It would be to dangerous, if they even accepted me that is."

"How will we know if you don't ask?" Charlie asked the question with a careful tone, trying not to be to pushy.

"It's just safer for them if they didn't know." Alastor's words and sad tone made Charlie get up and stand in front of him. When he looked up at her, she had a scarily determined face.

"Alastor, listen closely to what I'm about to say." Charlie paused to make sure he was listening, "If this person loves you, and I mean truly loves you, they're not going to care if they're in danger! Believe it or not, but I was where you are now when I realized I loved Vaggie! I thought that since I was the princess of Hell, if someone wanted to get to me, they might try to hurt Vaggie! I never told her how I felt until she told me she felt the same! I tried to convince her that it wasn't safe around me and that she'd be better off without me! Do you know what she did next?"

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