Chapter 3: Comfort

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"You want me to what?" Cherri asked, sipping from her Malibu Sunset.

"I want you to help me find a woman." Angel replied, sipping from his Sex On The Beach. He and Cherri sat in a private booth in Mimzy's karaoke bar.

"Angel, if Valentino is as bad as you say, he won't like you doing something other than your work." Unlike Angel Dust, Cherri didn't have a pimp. She was a freelance prostitute.

"Valentino can shove it! I work harder than anyone else he's got, I'll be damned if he's gonna stop me!" Angel pounded down on the table, causing Cherri's eye to widen a little as she took a sip from her fruity beverage.

"Alright, Angie. If it's that important I'll help, but first I want to know why you want to find this broad." Angel stopped dead at Cherri's words, he hadn't thought about what he was going to tell her.

"Look Sugar Tits," Angel Dust let out a long sigh, "you're my best pal, I'd never lie to ya, but I can't tell ya why I'm doin' dis." Angel sipped solemnly on his drink. There was a long, awkward silence between the two friends before Cherri Bomb spoke again.

"Okay, I understand. Tell me what you know about the broad." Cherri sat her head in her hands, ready to listen. Angel thought about what Elizabeth might look like, remembering how blood related demons have similar appearances.

"First of all, she probably looks like a deer."

"Probably?" Cherri raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"Moving on." Angel butted in before she asked anything else, "Her name is Elizabeth, I have no idea what her last name is, probably somethin' southern."

"Angel," Cherri blurted, "you do know that some sinners' names change after they die, right? I mean, mine did, and I now you weren't always named after a drug." Angel didn't reply. He knew the chances of finding Alastor's mom were slim, but seeing Alastor so sad at breakfast made something in Angel want to find her, to make him truly happy.

"Yeah, I know babe, but it's all I got. Anyway, she's a really good cook, so I think she may work at a restaurant or somethin' like that, I think it's possible she might have a southern accent, based in where she's from, and she had a son while she was livin'. I don't know anythin' else." Angel Dust took a big gulp of his drink. He hoped they could find her.

"M'kay. I'll ask around and see what I can find." Cherri's words put a smile on Angel's face.

"Thanks, Sugar Tits. I can always count on you."


Angel Dust was surprised when he walked by Alastor's door on his way to get a midnight snack and heard a scream that sounded like a radio in-between stations. The crying was what made him knock in the door. Either Alastor was torturing someone, or he was the one being tortured.

"Just a moment." Alastor's voice came suddenly. There was a little click and Alastor's bedroom swung open, revealing a slightly disheveled Radio Demon, wearing a pair of crimson colored silk pajamas. "Angel!?" Alastor sounded shocked, "What are you doing up so late?" Angel Dust ignored the question, barging into Alastor's room and almost hoping he'd been torturing a demon.

"I heard a scream while getting me a snack and-" Angel cut himself off when he turned to face Alastor. Alastor still wore his regular smile, but it was visibly forced, and it only made Alastor's wet cheeks more obvious. "Alastor...were you crying?" Alastor jumped slightly at the question. He turned away from Angel and closed his door.

"I...I don't what your talking about, Angel dear. Why would I cry?" Alastor seemed to actually be asking, so Angel has him an answer.

"Because of your ma." That rewarded Angel Dust with a gasp from Alastor. Alastor stuck a hand out, using it to lean against the door for support. Alastor's nightmare flashed through his mind, making his shoulders quiver in a silent sob.

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