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“you guys are dating?”

Sanha raised a brow, staring at Binwoo's entwined arms, dazed. How? When? Why?

“Yes we are” Bin replied, his cheeks flushing pink. He was still not comfortable with the idea of telling everyone that he was now 'boyfriends' with Eunwoo. The same boy he always said he hated.

“This is amazing!” Minhyuk exclaimed as he clasped his hands together. “You guys are enemies, how did you even- and what about Jinwoo? I thought something was going on with you and Jinwoo Hyung”

Bin shook his head. “I like Jinwoo as a friend. Nothing else”

Everyone suddenly turned to Jinwoo who was lost in thoughts while looking at Myungjun. It wasn't like he had amnesia, why couldn't he remember the boy.?

“So when did you know you liked Bin, Eunwoo hyung?” a perky Sanha asked with Eunwoo wrapping his arms around his Boyfriend's waist. Bin shuddered at the brief contact.

“I really don't know. I guess at first I thought that he would be cute to Fuck” Eunwoo shrugged. “but I realised that it was more than just me being horny. It was me falling for him”

Bin stared at him with a curious brow. “What do you mean you thought that I would be cute to fuck?”

Shaking his head, he leans closer leaving a little space between them. “..Well its not a lie and although I like you, I still want to put my mouth in between those juicy thighs of you”

Bin's gaze moved from Eunwoo's eyes to his lips as the older licked his lips, biting down on it sensually.

'Fuck' Bin's conscience muttered as he pulled Eunwoo closer to him, closing the gap with a brief yet lingering kiss.

Eunwoo grinned hard, staring at boy infront of him. He liked Bin. He liked Bin a lot. “was that you saying you want me to f-”

“That's enough” Myungjun yells, getting up from the couch he was seated on. “If you want to talk about Sex, talk about it in your rooms or when you are alone. Some of us don't want to be reminded that we don't have Boyfriends..”

Bin snickered, crossing his arms. “that's because you keep rejecting boys when they ask you out. Johnny asked you out. You said No. Jaebum asked you, you rejected him too! Even Hyungwon asked you out and you rejected him. I swear Hyung, its either you are partially blind or you want to die alone”

“That's not true. I didn't like them that's why” Myungjun defended, glaring hard at Moonbin.

“How can you not like them? Jaebum left Youngjae for you and you still turned him down, like wtf? Or- is this about that boy you like? Who is he? Is he an imaginary character cause I swear if he is I will h-”

“You like someone?” a surprised Jinwoo interrupted, holding a serious gaze with Myungjun.

“Oh great. He finally knows how to talk” Minhyuk Sassed.

Ignoring Minhyuk, Jinwoo waited patiently for Myungjun to reply but Myungjun wasn't planning on doing that. He wasn't going to tell anyone that the person he liked was -

“Is it me?” a nervous Sanha asked, looking at his hyung. Myungjun raised a confused brow. How did Sanha come to that conclusion?

“You are not stupid. Don't say stupid things” Myungjun replied. “I am going to the room, no one should follow me”

“But-” Bin began.

“you heard me” He sighed, heading towards the room as the others watched him leave with Saddened eyes.

“You really don't know who he likes?” a concerned Jinwoo asked, staring at Bin and Sanha as both boys shook their head.

They didn't.


Myungjun laid on his back staring at the ceiling knowing it was silly to have fallen in love with the one boy that couldn't even remember him. What was he even thinking? That a drunk boy was going to fall in love with him in one night? Things like that never happened and the drunk boy was Drunk!

But He; Myungjun wasn't. He shouldn't have believed the words of someone whose lips had kissed many bottles of beers.

A knock on the door seemed to pull him out of his thoughts. He rolled to his side, his back facing the door. “I told you to leave me alone”

The knock stopped.

The door opened as a figure stepped into the room. Myungjun sighed the moment, he heard footsteps coming closer. Sitting up, he turned angrily expecting to see Bin or Sanha but it was Jinwoo.

Park Jinwoo was staring right back at him.

“W-what are you doing here?” Myungjun swallowed hard, trying to not let the fact that they were very close bother him.

“Who do you like?” Jinwoo questioned.

“Uh?” a confused Myungjun replied.

“The person you like..who is it?” Jinwoo asked, his gaze piercing into Myungjun.

Myungjun rolled his eyeballs, folding his arms. “I don't think its your business”

“You are wrong. It is my business. If you have forgotten, let me remind you. You are mine.”

Myungjun froze.

What the hell was Jinwoo talking about? The last time he checked, Kim Myungjun did not belong to anybody.

“If this is a sick game you are playing, I am not inter-”

Jinwoo captured Myungjun's lip with his, cutting him off completely. Myungjun shrieked at the bold move but slowly started to move his lips against Jinwoo's. Melting into the kiss made Myungjun feel like he was Home. Jinwoo's arm wrapped protectively around his waist felt he was finally home. Jinwoo deepened the kiss, putting all of his emotions into it, hoping his lips would be able to convey what his heart was trying to say.

    Silence hung in the air as both boys stared at each other- well Myungjun stared at Jinwoo but Jinwoo was staring at the Hickey on Myungjun's neck.

“why did you kiss me? Did you Remember?” Myungjun asked with Jinwoo shaking his head.

“I didn't but I am not going to lie, I find you very attractive and to be honest, I do feel like we can make us work. Myungjun and JinJin.” he said, entwining their hands. “So don't like anyone else but me”

Myungjun nodded, pulling Jinwoo in for a hug. He smiled, his head resting on Jinwoo's shoulders.

He never liked anyone else. He had always liked Jinwoo.


They are married, I swear.😖😖


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