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One more day and the boys were going on a midterm break. Bin was really excited because finally he was able to take a break from school.

  Just because he took school work seriously doesn't really mean he liked school. Doing well in school was just a way of rewarding his Parents for sending him to school.

   “Alright” his teacher said as they all sighed knowing what came next after this. “For your assignment, I'll give you a project to work on... You'll be paired in twos and you have to submit the week you resume.”

Bin heard his class groan bitterly as he chuckled lightly.

“-To make things interesting. You'll be doing what I like to call 'Social Emotional intelligence'. Its a project where I want you to prove that social interactions or society itself affects our emotions” Their teacher continued. “So to make things interesting, you'll each be paired with a member of Class B”

Class B....was Eunwoo's class...

“what you are to do is to study your Partners Behavior. Study his behavior when he or she is with family, friends, outsiders and even you. Then come up with a conclusion on how these interactions affect their Behavior and emotions. Are we clear?” their teacher asked as they all grumbled a 'yes'.

“Okay. I'll will paste the names of those who will be working together on the noticeboard after lunch and I will not receive any complaints about your partner. If you don't work on this project, you lose 20% of your grade.”  he warned sternly as the bell rang. “You are dismissed”


“This face doesn't look so good. Are you alright?” a concerned Jinwoo asked, taking a seat beside Bin.

Bin sighed looking down at his lunch. He really didn't have the appetite to eat. Minhyuk had gone to eat Lunch outside of school with Sanha. Myungjun was in the staffroom working on something with his teacher.

“Its just-” Bin paused. Was it okay to talk about Eunwoo with Jinwoo? Knowing that Jinwoo might or might not have a crush him?

“Just what?” the blonde boy hummed.

“Just......Sad. Yeah. Its sad that I get to spend my midterm break at home while others get to have fun” Bin lied as Jinwoo laughed.

“Really? That's all your sad about?” Jinwoo said in between laughs as Bin scoffed.

“Well I'm sorry the story isn't depressing enough for you.” he clicked his tongue as Jinjin shook his head.

He hadn't intended to piss The younger off.
“I'm sorry I was just shocked... But if its any consolation, Minhyuk, Eunwoo and I normally hang out during breaks like this so if you want, you are welcome to join us besides it gets boring with three of us hanging out anyway. Although now that Minhyuk's dating your friend, he might invite him.”

Bin felt grateful about the offer but where he spent his midterms didn't bother him. What bothered him was Eunwoo. He hadn't seen the 'bad boy' anywhere today.

He wanted badly to inquire his whereabouts from Jinwoo but it didn't feel like it was going to right.

“Bin..” Jinwoo suddenly called as Bin snapped back to reality.

“you called?”

“Do you like anyone right now?” the blonde boy inquired as Bin's heart almost dropped.

Was Jinwoo about to confess.?

Shit. Shit. Shit. He wasn't ready for this.

“N-no” he swallowed as Jinwoo nervously rubbed the nape of his neck.

“Then.....Do you perhaps want to g-”

“What's UP SUCKERS!” Myungjun voice echoed through the cafeteria as both heads turned to see Myungjun walking towards them. Taking a sit casually beside Jinwoo, he asked;

“So what's good?”

“Nothing..” a Flustered Park Jinwoo said as Bin heaved out a breathe, he didn't even know he was holding.

What would he do without his Bestfriend; Kim Myungjun?


The hallway was in disarray as students murmured infront of the noticeboard. Not wanting to be part of the crowd anymore, he quickly searched through for his name on it.

14. Moon Bin (A) × Cha Eunwoo. (B)

  Who the Fuck made this list? And why were his teachers always pairing himself and Eunwoo together? Was this a mix up? Mixup happens, all he needs to do is set things right.

But didn't his teacher clearly state that he didn't want complaints about their partners...?

Oh Fuck! He face palmed himself. How was he going to work with Cha Eunwoo?

    “Give me your number” he heard a voice say as he looked sideways to see the boy he hadn't seen all day.

He could swear that when he saw Eunwoo, his heart skipped a bit.


Why was he stuttering for fuck sake?

“We are working on a project dumbass. So we'll need each other's numbers.” Eunwoo stated with Bin nodding.

Grinning, Eunwoo leaned closer to Bin, their faces only inches away from each other.

“You are cute when you're flustered” he said and winked.

'Why?' Bin thought. 'Why was his heart beating so much?'


I just want to say a quick thanks to everyone who checked out the video in the last chapter. Although the views weren't much but my sis couldn't stop crying.

In her words;
‘I'm just happy People know that Kpop stars have fans in Africa too’

Thank you guys for checking it out and thanks for your kind reviews. I love and appreciate you all, I will update soon.

The Bad Boy wants Me || Binwoo || ASTRO ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant