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  Sanha jumped into the water as Minhyuk ran after his boyfriend. Eunwoo shook his head watching the couple play under the sun.

Bin kept his eyes on Eunwoo throughout trying to figure out why someone like Eunwoo would like someone like him? They didn't hate each other anymore but they weren't very close either.

What did Eunwoo like about him?

His heart rate increased, he turned away from Eunwoo. Why was his heart beating so fast? Was he sick?

    “Hey” he heard as he turned to see Jinwoo seating beside him.

“Hi...” he mumbled back as Jinwoo crossed his arms staring at the sea.

“I had a boy that I liked” Jinwoo began. “..he was gay and foreign and he was the first person I ever told I was gay. We were young so we didn't date, we just hung around once in a while. One day, my parents found out and they told us to stop hanging out with Someone who was gay...” Jinwoo said, allowing the memories he buried, flow through his head again.

“So they sent him out of the country, himself and his family but a year later, I found out that he committed suicide...” Jinwoo swallowed hard as Bin stared at him surprised.

“That's terrible..” Bin said, trying hard not to imagine it.

“since then it was difficult for me to ever love someone. Sure I played around few times but it was always nothing serious...but...I met you.” Jinwoo smiled as Bin blushed.

“..I don't know if it was your boldness I liked. I don't know if it was your sarcasm or wit that made me so interested but I became so interested in you.. I was ready to ask you out.” he paused, staring at Bin.

“Jinwoo...” Bin began. “I'm sorry but I d-”

Jinwoo shook his head chuckling, “You don't have to apologize for liking someone else, besides I only came to tell you this because I am giving up on you”

A surprised Bin exclaimed. “Really?”

Jinwoo nodded. “Someone else has my interest now”

Bin smiled. “That's great.”

“You should stop running away now, Eunwoo won't hurt you. He really likes you and I hope that you give him the chance to prove it and I hope you give yourself the chance to experience what loves feels like” Jinwoo advised as both boys stared at Myungjun and Eunwoo scolding Minhyuk and Sanha for going too deep into the water.



    They sat down for dinner as Myungjun passed the bowl of rice to Bin. Bin collected it, dishing a spoon of rice for himself.

“...This food is delicious. I didn't know you could cook” Bin complimented as Minhyuk blushed.

“I'm not that good, I trust try my best" he answered as Jinwoo rolled his eyeballs.

“Minhyuk stop being modest. Minhyuk cooks very well, he even dances and he raps. He and Jinwoo, they are very good rappers” Eunwoo mentioned as Bin stared at the Park Brothers.

They were rich, good looking and talented.

“Rocky, you and I should dance together sometime. It would be fun..” Bin suggested as Minhyuk agreed with a “Sure..”

“Myungjun hyung, Bin hyung and I sing..” Sanha said, pouring himself a glass of orange juice.

“Really? ” a surprised Jinwoo asked. “You all can sing?”

They nodded shyly.

An idea popped into Eunwoo's head as he cleared his throat. “after dinner, please sing for us”

Sanha looked at his Friends as they shrugged. Why not? It wasn't like they were trying to hide their talents.

“What are you doing?” A curious Myungjun asked as Eunwoo rushed his food.

“I'm eating fast because I want to see Bin sing” he replied as the others chuckled except Bin.

His head was low but Eunwoo could spot the shade of pink on Bin's cheeks.

“Hide your thirst, its showing” Myungjun teased as Eunwoo smiled with his gaze still on Bin.


They all sat down on the couch as they watched Sanha set the guitar on his lap as he began to strum it. Bin and Myungjun sat beside Sanha humming to the intro.

*play Innocent love* [video on the side]

Minhyuk got up running to embrace his boyfriend as soon as they ended. Jinwoo stared, surprised at how Powerful Myungjun's vocals were. Eunwoo looked at Bin with adoration and amusement.

Bin's voice was beautiful.

“You guys are awesome” Minhyuk complimented with Jinwoo and Eunwoo agreeing.

Then turning towards Eunwoo, Jinwoo said;

“I let him go for you Eunwoo. Make sure you treat him right”

Eunwoo nodded, exchanging a quick glance with Bin who Rocky was now teasing. “I Promise, I will”


Innocent love was my favourite for a year. That song toys with my feelings every damned time.

*goes somewhere to cry* See you all in chapter 27.

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