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sorry guys but this is not an update- one will be up sometime tomorrow :)

I needed to take a minute to take about what's happening to my home, Minnesota. I'm sure most of you guys have heard about how a cop murdered an innocent black man, George Floyd, Monday night, and has still not been charged while three other officers watched, who have not been charged either. Due to the lack of response, riots and fires are all over Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and surrounding areas in order for the outrage and disgust with the situation to be heard.

This utter lack of response for the MURDER of a man, who I might add was already cooperating with officers and in handcuffs, is disgusting and the officer needs to be arrested immediately. So if you feel comfortable I'm asking you to take a minute of your time to email: citizenin@hennepin.us with a message demanding action be taken against the clearly guilty officers. I have provided an example below you can feel free to use: 


I am writing to you regarding the officers who murdered George Floyd, an unarmed black man, in broad daylight this week at Chicago and 38th. They need to be arrested and charged with murder immediately. Not doing so shows that this city doesn't care about justice in the face of brutal white supremacy and a culture of racism and disregard for human life in the police force. I urge you to act swiftly. We can not accept one more person murdered by the police.

Another thing you can do it help put pressure to arrest the guilty officers is text FLOYD to 55156 to sign a petition to convict these officers. 

Anything you do can help bring justice to this horrible situation. Also I don't know if people will comment on my post or anything but please be completely respectful here because I won't tolerate any shit in the comments about this.

Anyway otherwise hope you are enjoying my writing I just felt like I couldn't not say anything because I can't sleep watching all this shit going on. 

I appreciate you all!

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