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What's up guys!!! It's the first part of this story and i really hope whoever's reading this likes it cause I'm most likely going to spend hours writing this 1 part.... So make sure to Vote!

Hope you enjoy!!

Esme's pov:

I'm rudely awakened by the screeches and hollers coming from my best friends as they swing my bedroom door open banging my wall. "Well that's going to leave a mark." I think to myself as one of my best friends Samone stomps over to me and rips my comfy warm blanket right off of me and onto the floor. Leaving me cold and grumpy.

You'd think by the way Samone acts with me that we would have known eachother forever but in reality we've only known eachother for two years since the beginning of sophmore year when she moved from Baltimore with her mom. And in that short amount of time we became the best of friends.

Yeah trust me, with her attitude i still don't know how I'm able to deal with her.


"Obviously not sleeping anymore." I mutter loud enough for her to hear.

"OUR FIRST DAY OF FUCKING SENIOR YEAR STARTS IN 20 FREAKING MINUTES AND YOU'RE STILL IN BED?!" She screeches. "Kar can you believe this women?!" She yells at my other bestfriend.

Karly Meyer my bestfriend since 2nd grade sitting at my desk looks up at her and says "Oh i believe it. This is the girl who almost missed her own 18th birthday party because she wanted to take a nap." Not my fault i like sleeping.

"UGGGGhhh" she dragged the "G" for exaggeration. "Just get up, shower, and put on the shirt and jeans we put on the counter in your bathroom yesterday. I knew something like this would happen." She rolls her eyes and walks out of my room.

Karly mouths "sorry i don't think she had her coffee yet." She comes over and gives me a side hug. "Meet us out at the car in 15 minutes, I'll grab you a banana." She walks out and closes my door so i can get ready.

I drag myself out of bed and take a 10 minute shower. I toss on my new striped t-shirt that Samone bought me for my birthday last month, I struggle jumping up and down trying to get into my new ripped black skinny jeans, toss my hair up into a messy ponytail, slide into my black Vans, grab my iphone, and ram myself out my door.

Once i run down the driveway and jump into the car, Samone's already speeding out of the driveway before i can even close the car door.

"Way to start my morning." I think to myself as i put in my headphones and turn on StarShopping by Lil Peep.


It's only a 2 minute drive to my highschool. So right when my song finishes we're in the school parking lot and walking to the front of the car.

We all look at one another and Samone puts each of her hands on Karly and i's shoulders. "Ladys we've got this. We haven't suffered three years of torture for nothing. Now repeat after me." She clears her throat. "I am that bitch. And i shall slay today, tomorrow, and the rest of this awesome freaking senior year."

I try to hide my laugh but me and Karly start snickering at her speach.

"Did you get that off tumblr or something?" Karly asks.

"As a matter of fact i got it off Pinterest, and for your information i put in the Bitch and senior year part so ha." She locks arms with us and we enter the hell hole. Me and Karley smirking at our friend.

We all have the same first two classes english and chemistry. But ofcourse i have PE as my third class ALL alone while they both have art together. "Lucky bastards." I grumble under my breath.

Once i walk in the gym i look to my left to see Connor Henderson by neighbor and best guy friend. He sees me and comes running towards me and yelling my last name. "BALEV!"

He swoops me into a hug a spins me a few times while i get squished by his massive biceps. WAIT BICEPS? He puts me back down and thats when i get a good look at him.

I haven't seen him all summer because he left for football camp but MAN did he get jacked. Threw his white t-shirt i could see a new six pack which is definitely different from the pudding rolls he had when he left. Besides that he still had his long shaggy brown hair which would definitely be in his eyes if it wasn't for his hat holding it back.

"See something you like E?" I look back at his eyes "Not a bit Con Con." I scoff. "How was football camp?"

"It was pretty rough not gonna lie but it was totally worth it." He flexes his new muscles and trys to put on his coolest face. I snicker. "Whatever good for you bud."

At that moment the gym door bursts open to reveal our schools James bond, Noah Sallow.

I don't know if its physically possible but did he get even hotter? His green eyes are popping in color with his brown hair swept to the side. Ofcourse he looks absolutely stunning. And I'm definitely not the only one who thinks so because at that very moment Tanna the hottest and in my opinion snarkiest girl in school struts over to him with her minions trailing behind her. I don't know how she's even aloud to wair that skimpy red dress that might as well not even be a dress, especially with her father being our principal, but whatever not my bees wax. She grabs his face and starts practically eating his face off. Ever heard of get a room? No? Okay continue.

But what happend next i wasn't ready for. When she finally after a good 2 minutes of vacuuming his face off walks back to where she came from, Noah looks directly at me and makes eye contact. Normally he looks away seconds later, but this time he kept the eye contact, looked me up and down, smirked, and walked over to his group of jock friends.

Did Noah Sallow just check me out?


Okay so i was right it took me almost 2 hours just to write that...
But it was mostly just because i kept changing my music back and forth. Anyways i really enjoyed writing that and hoped you liked it too. Remember if you did like it show your love by pressing the little star down there and VOTE!

        Follow me on insta @Dxddy._.Eva

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