The Call

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It had been years since any of the demigods from the wars had been at camp. Long since passing the ages where they could live at the camp made for teenagers not to mention surviving past 18 is a feat in itself. But now it was time to return as the camp has grown and built itself into a haven for the children of the gods where only those who wish need to fight. Recently there have been a number of attacks led from monsters and rebellious demigods who are quickly disabled but soon we fear that their numbers may grow and none of these demigods have the skillset even with training. Please come back we need your help.

-Chiron Trainer of heroes

This message brought to you by the Hermes letter mailing system


Leaving from the meeting room with one of my newer patients into my private office filled with files and a comfy couch. Sitting at my desk I shift through the papers that are mostly filled with thank yous payments and the doctoral society for therapists asking me to go to their conventions and such. I got through about half of the stack before finding one from a place I left a long time ago Camp Half-Blood. I haven't been there since, well since I turned 18. Opening the slightly crumpled envelope to read what they need now.


My recent game just finished I was proud of Josh our new quarterback he had a great arm and aim making my catches easy. Even if he was good our season ended with this match with our victory so I had some time before offseason t rest. Me and the other Wide receiver walk into the locker room ready to get out of our sweaty uniforms and pads. Opening my locker I see a letter from camp half-blood. I quickly shove it into my gym bag to read when I get home.


It wasn't anything new to have Hermes dropping off some letters so it was welcome when he showed up in my diner. I had catered to several gods over the years helping demigods and fawns, who decided to help their distant cousins and not just beg for food, to get to another safe spot. He dropped in with a smile and a quick hello before I dropped two rats that I caught in a bag over to him. Looking down at the note from Camp Half-Blood I contemplate opening it before grabbing a knife.


Quickly closing up the shop walking over to Calypso in her clothing and pharmacy store to grab our mail for the day. As I grabbed it to take home calypso wraps her arms around my back placing her head on my shoulder whispering I love you in my ear. Turning my head to smile at her I steal a quick kiss just ready for our movie night. Shuffling through paperwork can wait for a day.


Just waking up to a letter from camp half-blood is not how I planned on spending my day off from the site. I didn't even have to read the letter it was obviously Chiron's handwriting. stretching out of the cool sheets in the humid Greecian air  I prepare to call in for vacation time that I so desperately need to head off halfway across the world.


Having just returned from being stationed in the states it was expected for there to be multiple messages on the home phone and several letters. What I was not expecting in the empty house was a god showing up out of nowhere to hand me a letter and just disappear. I really did dislike Mercury sometimes.


Gods showing up was never a good sign. Especially after a resurgence in the demigod population causing the five to take more refugees than normal. luckily this was an invite to camp meaning I have an excuse to get the kids out of the emergency housing and into a place where they can be properly trained rather than being sent in small groups. Of course, this is assuming this is a call to bring him back to camp and not notifying him of death. Well, only one way to find out.

Hey, guys hope you have as much fun with this as I had writing it. This is not the mafia story I was talking about earlier on my page but this idea struck this morning and i just had to for the sake of there not being the proper representation for punks other than being greedy assholes and having literally no depth along with a few other stereotypes in here (also that perlypso was adorable if I do say so myself) this is meant to be a short story I have events lined up unlike my other stories so this one will hopefully flow a bit better. Stay safe out there Hershey's.

Much love,

Your Humble Host

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