Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

"Gabriel?" Sam asked.
"Yes Gabriel. He is outside now."
Sam walked outside to Gabriel, you heard Gabriel whinney in excitement, and you heard Sam's laughter. You turned back to Dean.
"" You said. Dean was staring at you. He had his resting face, so he appeared to be mad. Since you were human, it was much harder to read his expressions. Dean stuck his gun back into the waistband of his jeans, and walked up to you.


I pressed my lips to hers. They were warm and soft. She melted into the kiss almost immediately. She came alive, and wrapped her arms around my neck, and pulled herself closer to my body and patted her lower back. She hopped up, and wrapped her legs around my waist. Our lips broke apart, saliva coming with it. She licked my lower lip, taking off the saliva. I carried her down the stairs and through the bunker to my bedroom.
I threw her onto the bed, and climbed on top of her, our kisses became rough and demanding, she ripped off my shirt, and I ripped off hers. Next thing I knew we were both moaning messes, enjoying each other.
. . .


Y/N is back, she brought Gabriel with her. She is no longer dead. Micheal still hasn't surfaced. It is believed he is still with Dean. He went into a coma when Dean poisoned himself. Y/N is no longer an archangel, Gabriel is a horse. Dean Winchester's memories are back in order.
Angel radio. Castiel knew it right when he heard her name. She is back. Probably at the bunker. He flew to the bunker as fast as he could, and landed outside to find Sam grooming a tall black horse. Castiel felt his expression change into pure confusion.
"When did you get a horse?" Castiel asked Sam, walking to his side.
"Castiel! Where have you been?!"
"I had some stuff to do. Seriously though, when and where did you get a horse?"
"Y/N brought him. It's Gabriel."
"And you are grooming him, why?"
"He asked me to."
Castiel had no words to say. He just looked at Sam back to the black horse, Gabriel, and then walked away towards the door. He entered the bunker and felt three heart beats in the bunker instead of just two. There was someone else here, besides just Dean and Castiel. He started towards the kitchen, saw no one, and then started towards the library. Still, Castiel saw no one. He then made his way to Dean's room.
Castiel was about to open the door, when he heard Dean moan, loudly. Then he heard Dean moan someone's name.
Castiel stood there, and slowly put his hand down and away from the door handle. He then slowly backed down the hall, and grabbed a beer and started drinking, trying to bleach his mind from what he just heard. Although the beer really did nothing, he tried not to hear Dean.
"Damn, you're good at this."
Castiel could only imagine what was going on, and he hated the sound of this. It made it awkward. Very awkward.
Castiel downed even more beer, clearing out the fridge. Still nothing happened, besides the fact that Castiel found the whiskey and wine.
He drank those as well, and soon enough he was as drunk as a goat on ice, slipping and falling everywhere. Castiel couldn't see clearly. Everything was blurred together. When he finally got to the staircase and made his way to the top, he slipped and fell on the last one and fell down the stairs. He was too lazy to get up, so he just fell asleep.
. . .


Dean woke up to find you still in his arms, asleep. He smiled and tried as carefully as he could not to wake you. Unfortunately, you woke up with the slightest of movement, so he failed.
"Sorry babe, I didn't mean to wake you." He said softly. You smiled at him. You sat up and yawned.
"Where were you planning on going?"
"I was just going to go and make you some breakfast."
"Then why don't we do that together Dean." You said to him. He smiled at you and kissed your lips softly, his hand on your cheek.  You kissed him back, making it long and passionate. When you pulled away to get up and get dressed, he grabbed your hand, pulling you onto his lap. You blushed, both of you were still nude.
"Y/N, I just wanted to say that I am sorry."
"For what Dean?"
"For being a douchebag to you. I was just so mad that you lied to me even though you could see the bigger picture and I could only see a small part-"
"Dean, don't. You have nothing to be sorry for. Everything is fine."
"I just feel like it was my fault."
"Feel like what was your fault Dean?"
"It feels like it was my fault that you killed yourself."
"Dean don't you ever say that. Don't you ever feel like that. It had absolutely nothing to do with you. That was just me and Lucifer. It had nothing to do with you. You were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Don't worry about it okay. You couldn't do anything that would make me feel that horrible to kill myself. I love you, nothing could ever change that okay?"
"Okay." He said, smiling. You kissed him again. He was everything to you. You weren't lying, there was nothing that he could do that would make you stop loving him. 
You pulled away, and pulled him off the bed. You took a good long look at his body. You felt yourself flush when he grabbed your hand and yanked you towards his body. He kissed you, long, passionately, and lovingly. You laughed a little while he did it. He ran his fingers through your hair, untangling it. Your left hand curled around his neck, while your right hand ran into his soft, short hair. You missed this. You missed him.
He finally pulled away, and went to go change.

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