Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


Castiel showed up immediately after hearing what happened to Dean. He placed his hands on Dean's head, who was now unconscious. Castiel's eyes started glowing blue.Then they stopped abruptly. Castiel tried again, and again, and again. Nothing was happening. Dean wasn't healing.
"Cass, what the hell is going on? Why isn't Dean healing?"
"I-I don't know. Usually my power is able to heal this type of thing, but his brain won't allow my power to enter into his system to heal him."
"Cass what do you mean?" Sam asked. He was scared, and Castiel could tell. Castiel would do anything to get Dean back in order, but Castiel's power wouldn't heal Dean. Y/N probably could. But, she's gone. Dead. Castiel thought.
He tried one more time, and Dean slowly woke up. He still looked confused, but not like earlier. He was confused as to where he was, who he was with, everything. Somehow, Castiel put his hand back onto Dean's forehead, and went into his mind.
Dean's defenses were down, and Castiel could access everything, but everything was gone. Dean's feelings, memories, judgement, sexual behaviors, expressions, gone. They were all gone. Castiel removed his hand solemnly, and looked at Sam.
"Cass, Castiel what is it? What is wrong with my brother?" Sam had tears in his eyes.
"It's his frontal lobe of his brain. Everything is gone. His memories, emotions, expressions, judgement, sexual behavior, its all gone."
"What do you mean 'gone' Cass? I don't understand."
"The Dean that we knew is gone. He drank so much alcohol that everything that we knew about him is gone. Everything. I can't get it back. My power isn't strong enough to fix it. I can't do anything in this situation."
"There has to be a way to get it all back. There has to be. Try again."
"If I try one more time, his brain will liquify, and Dean will die. For good."
"So what your saying is, Dean is basically a goner?"
"Unfortunately, yes. That is what I am saying."
Sam just sat there. No expression on his face. Castiel could tell what Sam was thinking. He wasn't in shock, or pain. He was thinking of a way to bring Dean back.
"There has to be a way." Sam said, staring at his brother, then glancing at Castiel.
"Sam, I know that this is hard to wrap your mind around, but Dean is gone. If I can't bring him back, then you can't either. This isn't something we can play with Sam."
"I took off the mark of Cain, and Dean killed death before. Trust me when I say there has to be a way." Sam said, looking at Castiel dead in the eye. "There is a way."
Castiel simply shook his head, knowing that he couldn't get Sam to change his mind.
"I can't help you." Castiel said, dropping his head, and casting his eyes at the floor.
"Why not? Dean was your best friend! Why can't you help me find another way?!" Sam said angrily.
"I am an angel of the lord! Never would I lie to you, and if I do then that was for reasons that you shouldn't have known, and yet I still told you them! I would not lie about something like this! Ever! Now you can look all you want to look, but I can guarantee you that you will find nothing! The Dean we knew is dead! He is gone Sam! He is gone! He won't come back because he can't come back unless we have Y/N's help! Guess what Sam, she is dead too! The Dean we knew died with her! Get that through your stupid human head! Y/N is dead, and so is Dean!"
Sam didn't say anything. Castiel knew the truth and it was time for Sam to learn it too.

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