Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


"Okay thank you. I promise not a scratch." Sam said, he didn't need the world's greatest hunter chasing his ass. He grabbed her keys and walked out to the garage. He figured Dean would've loved her enough to put her car into the garage, which he did, and parked it right next to the Impala. What the hell Dean, I mean I know you are in love with this chick but do you have to park so damn close? God you're insufferable. Sam thought as he climbed into Y/N's car. This is nice, I like this.
Inside the black vehicle, was black leather seats, the outline of the interior had been outlined in what looked to be a glowing light blue. The challenger even had blue LED frame lights lining the bottom. The wheel's frame was light blue, matching the interior. The car itself had a light blue stripe running on both sides of the car, and going around the back.
Sam got into the car trying not to break anything. The car itself literally took his breath away. Damn this is such a nice car, I'm so not destroying this thing anytime soon. Sam thought as he started the engine. The car purred, seeming as if itself could breath. Sam pulled out of the garage, and started driving down the road. The engine hummed softly as he drove it down the block. He pulled onto the freeway, and stepped onto the gas, the engine seemed to roar to life, and took off, pushing Sam back into his seat. He arrived at Emma's place in no time. It's no wonder that Y/N had gotten to the bunker in 4 hours instead of 8. Holy crap.
Sam pulled up into the driveway at Emma's, only to find Emma waiting for him at the front door. He got out of the car and walked up to her. Emma had green eyes that turned hazel depending on the lighting she was in, sometimes they were blue. She had bay brown hair, long and flowing. She was maybe 5.11. That was nothing compared to Sam's 6.4 but it was good enough. Sam didn't care about height, just as long as he loved the girl. He didn't love Emma, but he had a certain liking for her.
"So Sam, where did you get the nice ride?" Emma asked him. "Looks expensive, did you steal it?"
Sam hesitated, "Uh..No I didn't steal it, but it isn't mine. Dean wouldn't let me use the Impala, so his girlfriend let me use her car." Sam told her. He decided to try out the girlfriend word for you, it sounded good.
"Oh okay, she has a nice taste. Anyways, where are we headed in this beautiful thing?" Emma asked Sam.
"Well I was thinking that you and I can go get some dinner, maybe I can spend the night at your house, and then we go to the bunker tomorrow?"
"Oooo, You're gonna take me to the bunker in this hot ride, okay I'm down let's go." Emma said, already walking to the passenger door. Sam walked ahead of her and opened it for her. He then climbed into the driver's seat.
"Damn she has a nice car, I'd like to meet this girl. Who did you say she was again, Dean's girlfriend?"
"Uh, yeah."
"Cool, so I can meet her tomorrow then?"
"Uh yeah if she and Dean don't go anywhere."
"Okay sounds cool."
Emma and Sam head to their dining spot, and afterwards go back to Emma's place. Sam and Emma didn't do anything sexual, they literally just snuggled and watched movies together, similar to what Y/N and Dean were doing when Sam left. Emma fell asleep laying next Sam, her head on his chest, and his arms were wrapped around her. Soon Sam fell asleep too.
. . .
Sam woke up, and Emma was gone. He got up rubbing his eyes, trying to wake up. He then heard a hair dryer and found Emma in the bathroom, drying her hair. Sam had asked Emma if there was another bathroom, and she pointed down the hall. Sam took a shower and got ready for the day, letting Emma blow dry his hair just to mess with him. She then braided a piece of his hair without him realising it. Sam went to brush his hair with his fingers, and then he felt it, and started laughing while he called Emma's name.
"Did you braid my hair?"
"Yup, I was wondering when you would notice." Emma said, having a laughing fit while she took it out. When she was done she hugged Sam from behind. They had been dating for a few months now, and Sam was used to her affection.
"I love you Sam." She said it was muffled because her face was pressed into his back. Sam turned around and hugged her back, softly kissing her lips while he was at it. He then kissed her on the nose and the forehead.
"I love you too Emma." He said softly, staring into her eyes. "Are you ready to meet Dean and his girlfriend?"
"Yes, but what if they don't like me?" She asked. She was afraid Sam realised. If Dean didn't like her then he would hate her, and always keep an eye on her. Maybe Y/N could convince him to give her a chance if she liked Emma, but if not then Emma would have the world's deadliest hunter and the world's greatest hunter on her tail. They would always be suspicious of her, always watching her. Emma would hate it, she wouldn't feel safe around Sam. Sam prayed that nothing would happen.
"They will, and if they don't then I will protect you, and I will leave them to stay with you okay? I promise I won't let anything happen to you." Sam said, kissing her in between words and giving her reassuring smiles. "I won't let anything happen to you." Sam pulled Emma into a hug and held her there for a while. He wouldn't let anything happen to her. He couldn't.
After a while of cuddling, snuggling, small talk, hugging and kissing, Sam called Dean to let him know he was coming home, but not alone.

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