Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


Dean was back, and he blinked his eyes several times, and shook his head. He then took a look around as if he were in a different place, then he looked up and saw you, and a smile crept on his face, then everything hit him and his facial expression went to hatred.
"You lied to me. You said I would be my own angel, but I'm not. Michael is with me! Damn it, don't you know what happened last time?! I mean, I imagine you would because of his older sister! You damn archangel!" Dean yelled at you.
You were sitting on the floor, legs crossed, and your hands folded, looking at Dean as he screamed at you. You expected it, you knew it would hurt you, you knew he would be hurt, and here you were perfectly calm, staring at him while he was furious with you, screaming and yelling. Your reaction to it all only made it worse.
"Screw you dammit! Why is it every single damn time I try to trust someone, it always comes back and stabs me in the back! Damn it! Damn you Y/N! Damn you! I hate you!" Dean stopped yelling for a minute when you started talking to him.
"Dean, I understand your anger, I understand why you are angry with me, hell I understand it all. There is no need to raise your voice with me if I'm just going to make you more pissed off."
"Fuck you." Dean said, turning away.
"Ah ah ah, not that easy babe." You said as Dean stopped walking. His back is still facing you.
"You see, even if you walk away, Michael will still order to me. No this isn't the same Michael from last time. That was Michael from the apocalypse world remember. I have already told this one that if he even has the thought of staying inside of you when this is all over, then I will rip him to shreds. Dean I understand that you don't like this, but in order to become an angel, you need to have an angel with you to train you with your power okay." You said to him. Without turning around he replied to you.
"You are a damn archangel are you not? So why didn't you just train me? You were the angel by my side were you not?"
"Dean you don't understand. The angel must possess you so your body is used to obtaining that much power. You have to understand that once Michael leaves, you will not be an ordinary angel. You understand that right? He leaves some of his grace with you. You're going to become an archangel Dean. You're going to be just like me."
"I don't want to be just like you." Dean finally turned around. "You archangels and angels are cold hearted sons of bitches and you don't give a damn about anyone."
"Dean! Shut your damn mouth and listen! You're being a damn brat right now, and I don't appreciate it! I do care about you! I give a damn about you, I do! Okay, everything that I told you wasn't a lie, and it never will be a lie! I bloody love you and you're saying that I am a cold hearted son of a bitch?! No Dean! That's Lucifer you're talking about damn it! Not me! I am nothing like my brothers! I actually care about you! Not only you but I care about every single human on this damn earth! So don't you dare say that I don't give a damn, because I do! You are being a selfish bastard! Now knock it off and listen!"
Dean looked at you, you could tell he was pissed. You finally raised your voice at him. Dean did a weird thing right then. He had a small smile on his face, but it vanished almost immediately.
"Listen to what, you?! HA! I would rather go back into my head, so I can't hear you. Michael you can come back out now."
And with that Dean was gone and Michael was back. You took one look at Michael, had enough of it all, and left.

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