Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Winchester, Dean Winchester. Dean Winchester was dead.
You stared at his body. It was limp. You felt like crying, but you couldn't. You bite the inside of your lip. You got out of the car, and walked about ninety yards away from the Challenger and Dean's dead body.
"Hey Sam. Yeah it's me. Yes Dean is with me, no he isn't alive."
"What do you mean he isn't alive? Tell me what the hell happened." Sam asked concerned, he sounded like he was on the verge of tears.
"Sam, I am so sorry, but I will explain when I get back to the bunker." You were at least a little grateful that Lucifer stopped your car before you rammed it into a tree. You picked up Dean's body and carefully laid it into the back seat.
He looked almost peaceful, but you hated it. He shouldn't have died that way, with Lucifer killing him. One tear fell as you looked at his face. You kissed him one last time on the lips, and got into the driver's seat. You turned on the radio, the song Runnin' home to You (Guitar version) by Grant Gustin was on, you didn't turn it off. It made you cry, but you accepted the tears.
You drove silently to the bunker, wishing you could talk to Dean, constantly looking in the rearview mirror, looking at Dean, like he would just wake up, and hug you from behind, climb into the passenger seat and give you a kiss on the cheek. You knew it wouldn't happen, he was dead, and that was that. I won't back down by Ryan Star comes next. You let the tears fall silently, letting nothing stop you.
When you got to the bunker, you wiped your tears. One of Dean's favorite songs came on. You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC. You smiled. You could hear Dean's voice in your head 'Stop crying, you're fine. You got this.' and 'You went to hell, ganked a hella lot of demons,while you were still there'. Dean was telling you something, you knew it. 'You think we are freaking awesome, Look at you! Your friggin boss! Your legend! You can't tell me any different. We are nothing compared to you'. That's when you understood.
I have to do it. You thought. I am going to kill Lucifer. I am a Legend

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