Chapter 7

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As you drink your beer, you thought, what is going to happen tonight? I mean Lucifer friggin tortured me, apparently got to Sam, according to Dean. Are the boys even going to allow me to sleep in that room again, or are they just going to kick me out? I don't understand what happened with the whole Lucifer thing, but Castiel healed me, and I'm still not a demon. I'm so confused.
As the evening fell upon Lebanon Kansas, you didn't know what was going to happen. You were almost too worried to settle your thoughts so you went to grab another beer. You pulled it out of the fridge, and Dean came from behind you and grabbed it out of your hand.
"Dean, give it back."
"I'm not giving it back because I don't need you being drunk tonight."
"It's only one beer, I won't be drunk, now give it."
"No, until we figure out what is going on with this whole Lucifer thing, I'm not going to allow you to drink after 8."
"What are you, my father? Give it to me."
"No. You are not getting a beer after 8 until we figure out what's wrong with you. Is that understood."
"Don't call me dad unless it's daddy."
"Okay ...Wait what? What the hell Dean?!"
Dean laughed a little. You looked at him with annoyance. The beer was already gone. He must've put it back.
"Seriously though, I saw you drink that beer earlier today, after our pie incident, okay. Don't play dumb. You're sleeping with me tonight, so I don't want you drunk."
"I'm so not sleeping with you tonight. What do you think I am crazy?!"
"Uh...Y/N, not like that, I uh meant, literally just sleeping in my room. Sam and I don't want you sleeping alone again."
"Oh um...okay...sorry."
Dean got a smirk on his face now. "I mean unless you want to sleep with me." He said, grabbing your waist and pulling you against him. He softly kissed your lips. You pushed him away gently.
"No thanks lover boy, I'm not that type of person. Kisses and snuggles maybe, but nothing more."
"Okay baby, you don't know what you're missing out on but alright, your choice."
"Stop it. I'm not your baby, okay, and I don't know what I'm supposedly missing out on, but it doesn't seem like much ." You said laughing a little
"Ouch" said Dean as he put a hand on his chest, acting offended.
You pushed him back, smiling a little, and kissed him on the cheek and then walked away. He didn't understand that you could possibly hurt him, you have done that enough in this life you thought you couldn't actually fall for him, could you. No, you couldn't let yourself. If you did, one of you would hurt the other one. You just couldn't let that happen. No way am I sleeping in his room tonight. No way. I won't let it happen.
You made your way to the couch, and crashed on the couch. It had been a crazy day after all. After a little bit you felt someone pick you up bridal style. You unconsciously wrapped your arms around their neck, and snuggled up next to their body.
"Holy crap, your light."
You recognize that voice, Dean's voice. He smells good, like the ocean, and dirt and sweat. I like it. You thought. You felt the muscles in his back, flex as he put you down on a bed. His bed you realised. You didn't feel anyone else get into the bed next to you. You opened one eye, and saw him on the floor, asleep. You noticed his hand, out away from his body, reaching towards you, in a way. Should I grab it? No, I don't want to wake him. You smiled at the thought that he slept on the floor so you could have the bed.
You got out of bed, and laid down next to him, snuggling with him to keep yourself warm. He woke up and saw you trying to get comfortable in his arms. He smiled a little, and moved so he could wrap himself around you. You realised that he was awake when you finally looked at his face. So much for not waking him up. He smiled at you and kissed you on the forehead. He didn't pull away, and you didn't either. You both just layed there, snuggling with each other on the floor, and eventually you fell asleep hugging him.

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