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Yoongi POV

Jimin unlocked the door, peaking his head in part way and yelled out, "Tae! Are you decent?"

"Yeah? Why are you asking?" he shouted back as we entered. He was laying on the bed and turned toward us when we entered.

"Oh! Yoongi!" he exclaimed, and then allowed his eyes to drift down to our clasped hands, a hint of excitement showing in his face before it turned to confusion. "What are you guys doing here?"

"I spilled coffee, Tae. I need to change and get this stain out of my sweater. Jimin hurried off to the bathroom, beginning to lift his sweater off as he shuffled there.

I turned my attention back toward Tae as he stood from the bed, moving a jacket off one of the chairs in the room. "I know Jimin, he'll be a while tending to this stain," he said gesturing for me to sit in the chair.

I sat down with a huff, feeling uncomfortable, not sure what to say. "Um. Thanks for setting this up. It's good to talk to Angel again."

"Hey. Why do you call him Angel?" Tae asked me.

"Ehhh...I'm not really comfortable telling you. I think that's something I should share with him first." I said, not wanting to be mysterious, but also knowing that Angel and I had a lot more to talk about, including why I called him that.

Tae looked at me, staring me down, almost as if trying to intimidate me, before tilting his head and saying, "Fair enough." Then switched gears and continued talking. "So why are you here? I mean, are you guys going out again once Jimin changes?" he asked.

I didn't know how to respond. Why had I come back to his room with him? He had to leave tomorrow and it was already starting to get late. I'm sure he wouldn't want to go out with me now. I looked at Tae in confusion. "I – I don't..."

Jimin flung open the door to the bathroom, interrupting my stuttering. "Well, it's ruined!" he whined angrily, holding his sweater in his fist. Which I only noticed briefly before my attention was drawn to the fact that Angel was standing there shirtless, nipple piercings glinting in the overhead lights, his jeans hanging lazily around his hip, black underwear band peeking out of the top. I think he and Tae were talking with each other, but I only heard a hallow ringing in my ears as all the blood rushed from my head, my heart beating out of my chest. I gulped, standing up and slowly approaching him, reaching my hand out as I got nearer to him.

I stood in front of him, staring into his eyes as I put my hand on the sweater, beginning to draw it closer to me. Angel had stopped talking, looking at me with slight confusion. I tugged on the sweater, but he wasn't letting go, our bodies moving closer together. Breaking through the sound of blood rushing through my head, I could hear our breathing, mingling together as we gazed in each other's eyes. Our bodies were so close that his sweet scent was invading my nose, reminding me why I wore his shirt and continued to sleep in his bed. Reminding me of the last night we were together and how he smelled and how he tasted.

I wanted to lean over, place my lips on his neck, and lick over his Adam's apple, which just bobbed up and down with a gulp he took. But at that point Tae made a sound, and it was enough for me to feel a slight return to the present, made me realize where I was. I grabbed the sweater out of Angel's hand saying, "Let me give this a try," and walked into the bathroom.

I'm glad I didn't close the door when I heard Tae say to Angel, "That was hot. I could feel the chemistry between you. The tension in here...whew! I think I can smell the pheromones. Now close your mouth and put a shirt on. I don't want him jumping you in front of me. Not that it wouldn't be hot, but it makes me miss Kook a little too much."

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