Somewhere I'd Rather Be [M]

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Jimin POV

"I am looking H-O-T, hot tonight, if I do say so myself." I announced as I walked into the living room. I was wearing a loose, black button up, with the front tucked into tight black jeans. The all-black clothes accentuated my blond hair and sparkly make-up. Truth be told, we all looked hot. We were a group of hot men, even more so when we were all made up and ready to go out.

Tae giggled. "I am so ready to see what happens tonight. It's going to be fun watching you. Hey, Kook? Want to place bets on who he goes for and how long it takes him?"

Kook smiled. "You're on. We'll both pick out boys when we get there, and then decide how long it will take him."

"Boys?" I responded. "To be able to take all this," I gestured up and down my body. "Imma need a man."

We got to the club within 15 minutes. I could feel the beat of the music pumping through my body even before opening the heavy steel door. As soon as we stepped through the door, eyes darted our direction, wanting to see the new meat that just walked in.

Did I mention we all looked hot? I could tell there were some interested people almost immediately, but I was only scanning the men. As I looked behind me to make sure Tae and Kook were following, I noticed Kook put his arm around Tae, making him lean in, then pecking him on the cheek, lifting his gaze to glare at some of the people eyeing them. "Oohhh, Kook. I didn't know you were the jealous type. Are you marking your territory?" I teased, but by the look on Kook's face, I know I wasn't far from the truth.

We headed to the crowded dance floor and started moving our bodies to the beat. We were all good dancers, but I liked to use my body to flirt. A crowd gathered around us, and I started scanning the people to see if any worthy men would lock eyes with me. I glanced over at Tae and Kook, seeing them dancing as they whispered in each other's ears, pointing out different men. I knew they were placing bets on who I would hook up with. I smirked, rolling my body, using my hands to skim down my front, stopping right in front of my crotch, sticking my tongue out to seductively lick my lips.

I felt someone come up behind me and put his hands on my hips, moving his crotch up on my ass. His mouth moved closer to my ear so that I could hear him say, "You are really pretty, and dance so sexy. What would it take for you to let me fuck that thick ass of yours?"

I rolled my eyes. He was much too forward, and besides, I would be doing the fucking tonight. I turned around, continuing to dance, but putting a little distance between us. "Thanks, but you're not my type." I yelled to him while shaking my head. He looked disappointed, but at least he got the message and moved away from me.

I continued dancing, but as I watched him go, my eyes locked with a different man. A very attractive man who was watching me. I continued staring at him and dancing, with a little smirk on my face, hopefully conveying that I was moving my body for him.

His eyes continued to stay on me as he moved a little closer to me, and I erased the distance between us by dancing over to him.

"Hi," I said as an introduction, darting my tongue out to lick my bottom lip.

I watched his light-colored eyes track my movement as he stuttered out, "H-hi."

"Do you dance?" I asked him, tilting my head to the side, moving my eyes up and down his body. I took note of his long legs – perfect to wrap around me when I fucked into him. I realized I had to stop getting ahead of myself and tried to calm my mind.

"N-not really," he continued to act shy and slightly embarrassed that he was singled out.

"That's OK. Let's go somewhere to talk, hm?" I suggested in a softer tone, grabbing his hand to lead him away from the loud dance floor. He followed me willingly, and I wasn't surprised that his hand felt warm and soft, even if a little clammy.

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