Studio Time

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Jimin POV

I followed Yoongi to his studio, which was close enough to his place to be able to walk. I lifted my face to the sun, deeply breathing in the sweet spring air. I think it did both of us good to get fresh air and exercise. I was trying really hard to respect Yoongi's wishes and pretend that I wasn't there with him, but after about two minutes of walking, I felt the need to talk.

"How long do you think we're going to stay at your studio?"

He briefly looked at me while continuing to walk.

"Is there anything I can do to help you with your work once we're there?"


"Are you hungry? Is there a food place nearby? I could get us something to eat..."

Yoongi stopped walking, turned and looked at me. "Did you not get it? I don't want to talk, and you're supposed to pretend that you're not here. Remember that I wanted to come alone?"

I was a little hurt, but I reminded myself that Yoongi has only been off substances for a couple of weeks. While he had not formed a dangerous physical dependency, there was some level of dependency there which could create mood swings as he adjusted to life without alcohol and drugs.

Wanting to respect his wishes, I just bowed my head and stopped talking.

Yoongi took a step closer to me, leaning in to question, "nothing to say now?" He reached out, lifting my chin with his fingers to make me look him in the eye. His eyes looked hard and angry.

He had a smirk on his face, but all I could focus on were his eyes. His beautiful, cat-like eyes. It didn't even register that it was odd for him to touch me. I could only focus on the fact that he acted so tough, which made me want to dominate him; to grab his face, kiss him, and then move my hands down his body...I blinked, stopping myself from continuing those thoughts, but it took everything I had in me to hold myself back. I could feel my body vibrating with the effort and hoped that Yoongi didn't pick up on that vibration. I hated that I allowed my imagination free reign, but Yoongi is fucking hot. Ever since I started caring for him, and seeing him needing me, well, I allowed myself to think certain thoughts that a nurse should not think about their patient.

I really should have said something to calm Yoongi down, but I just didn't have softness in me at this moment. Instead I stared at him, hoping that I was not conveying all my feelings through my eyes; the attraction and need that I hoped he would never realize.

Too late, I thought to myself. I knew I gave myself away when I saw his eyes widen, then heard his breath hitch. I quickly looked away, even though he kept his fingers on my chin, and hoped like hell that he didn't notice how much I wanted him.

He started to drop his hand and I looked back at him. "We should probably get going. You're wasting time in the middle of the sidewalk. I promise, I'll keep to myself once you answer this one question."

He exhaled, as if he had been holding his breath this whole time. "Yeah?"

"What do you want for lunch?" I asked softly.

I must have surprised him, because he let out a little chuckle, almost as if he was relieved.

"We'll stop at a sandwich shop on our way, Angel, and take some food to go."

I opened my mouth to finally ask him why he kept calling me Angel, but he must have noticed and cut me off quickly.

"You said one question; I already answered it Angel."

I had to keep my promise, so I shut my mouth as we resumed our walk to his studio.

I continued to respect his wishes by waiting in the lounge area of his studio while he worked. I took a seat on the black leather couch, which was way more comfortable than I expected, and took out my phone. Sitting here gave me time to catch up on my social media accounts, check in with my friends, respond to some texts, and start a book I'd been waiting to read. It was great to have this much free time, and I didn't notice how much time had gone by until Yoongi appeared in front of me.

"Hey, it's probably time to get dinner and go home."

I sighed, slightly frustrated that he interrupted me right when the book was starting to get good. I checked my watch and realized that six hours had gone by.

"Oh," I exclaimed. Starting to stand up, I continued, "I had no idea this much time has passed. I should have been watching closer. How do you feel? Tired? Sore?" As I started to ask more questions, Yoongi cut me off.

"Just hungry. Let's go." He answered abruptly, and he began walking toward the door.

Because I had been in one position so long, when I fully stood up my body felt stiff, so I stretched my arms above my head and moved my body from side-to-side. My bones let out loud, satisfying pops, which caused Yoongi to look back at me just as I was reaching the biggest part of my stretch. 

When I stretched like that, my shirt lifted and exposed part of my abs. I saw his eyes widen before they raked down and back up my body, stopping when we made eye contact. I couldn't help myself. It wasn't a professional reaction, but I simply couldn't stop myself from flirting a little by holding the stretch and letting out a little moan of satisfaction. Releasing my stretch, I looked over at Yoongi, who had a glazed look in his eyes, his mouth hanging open a fraction, as if frozen in place.

"Ready to go?" I asked with a smirk.

He murmured under his breath, "I'd like to have a go..." with the rest of the words trailing off into something unintelligible. I know he thought he said all of that in in his head, so I decided to be generous and not call him out. He stood there a little longer, until it was obvious something clicked in him, when he closed his mouth and gulped loudly. "Yeah, yeah, let's go."

I smiled at him and quickened my pace to catch up to him as he held the door open for me to leave.

"Such a gentleman. Thank you, Yoongi." I said somewhat teasingly, bowing my head.

He chuckled. "Tsk. Don't overreact, Angel. I have to enter my code to lock the place and you need to be out before I do that."

"I've been meaning to ask, why do you call me Angel?" I had been wondering this for a while, and now that he seemed to be in a better mood, I took the opportunity to ask. I figured now was as good a time as any.


He said it with such finality that I didn't think I'd get anything further from him; still I tried. "But my name's Jimin." I almost whined out that sentence, and realized I sounded like a child. I would have looked like one if I stomped my foot at that moment.

"I know, Angel. Now let's get food for dinner." He smirked. He knew he won, and I knew I would not get anything further from him, so I dropped it.

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