"It's okay," I reassured him as I ran my fingers through his curls. I could tell he was frustrated, "How about we go get smoothies then find a place to talk?" I suggested.

"I feel terrible." He complained, "I had everything planned out for tonight. I made sure everything was going to be perfect for you."

I grabbed his hand inside of mine, "Any moment spent with you is a perfect one." I told him. I brought his hand to my lips, leaving gentle kisses. "Let's just go get smoothies and then I know the perfect place." He nodded.


Harry and I enjoyed our smoothies on the ride over to my special place. Years ago, I discovered this abandoned lot on one of my late-night drives. It was hidden behind trees and brush, but I found it.

"How'd you even find this place?" Harry asked as he looked around.

"A few years ago, I was in a super dark place," I admitted to him, "I used to drive around every single night. I stayed out all night, slept all day. I spent every single day trying to find something that made me feel alive." I played with the rings on my fingers, "I passed this cut off-road so many times, and I never knew what was back here. One night, I had enough of the wandering and I drove back here. I didn't care if this road led to a dead end, I needed answers."

"Do you come here a lot?"

"I used to, but now I only come up here when I need to clear my head." I looked around at the night sky. "You're the only person that knows about this place. Kai doesn't even know." Harry looked surprised when I told him that.

I could see that he wanted to tell me something, but I knew he wouldn't. We just stared at each other. I could hear the rain start to tap the hood of his car. We both looked around to see rain falling down around us, "I love the rain." He whispered. "I have an idea." He announced.

*play song now*

"What're you doing?" I asked as he started to crawl out of the car. He ran around to my side of the car, opening the door. I joined him in the rain without any hesitation.

"One second." He told me as he turned up the radio as loud as it could go.

Harry shut the car door. He held out his hand for me to take which I gladly did. He pulled my body into him as he placed his hands on my hips.

"Kiss me like you wanna be loved... You wanna be loved... You wanna be loved... This feels like falling in love... Falling in love... We're falling in love..." I smiled while the lyrics floated through the air. I knew I was falling in love, and I had been for such a long time.

"You're a hopeless romantic." I teased Harry while he shook his head. He didn't say anything, he just continued dancing with me.  He pressed his lips to my forehead.

"I was made to keep your body warm, but I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms.." Harry sang the lyrics as the song continued.

At this moment, neither of us were concerned with how wet the ride home was going to be or the fact we would wind up sick. He placed his hands on the side of my face before he pulled me in for a kiss.

I stared into his eyes as I laid my hands over his, "I adore you." I confessed to him.


Hey Loves!! I just wanted to include this picture I used as Harry's outfit. I was a bit vague in the description, so hopefully, this will help..

Also, I realize that my timing may be a little off with the song so forgive me!

Oops! Questa immagine non segue le nostre linee guida sui contenuti. Per continuare la pubblicazione, provare a rimuoverlo o caricare un altro.

Also, I realize that my timing may be a little off with the song so forgive me!

I may be taking a short break from writing & publishing. I am going through a really rough time right now & I need time. I hope each of you can understand, I'll be back soon <3

adore you // [h.s]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora