Chapter 33

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When we get to the parlor, I see Tris helping out inside. The parlor is dark, and unique designs line the walls. The chairs look similar to the ones in the aptitude testing rooms, in the middle of the parlor. Next to them are small tables with needles and ink on them. I take in a breath, and I think even Dean is nervous.

"Do you guys know what your gonna get?" Shauna asks

"Have any ideas?" I ask everyone

"Umm.." Shauna says, looking down "Do you want to get any faction symbols?"

"Not really. Maybe eventually but not for my first" I say

"Ok, where do you want to get it? Bones hurt more" Uriah says

"I don't know I was thinking my arm, collar bone, or ankle," I say

"Rose's getting a tattoo?" Tris says, coming over to us

"It's for a challenge. Dean's getting one too" I say

"Where did you want to get it?" Tris asks

"Arm, collar bone, or ankle," I say "Not sure though"

"Hm, well it depends on what design you get," Tris says

"How about a Rose?" Marlene says. We all turn to her and she says "What? Her names Rose, right?"

"I like that," I say smiling at her "Ok, Dean, your turn?" I ask

"I'll get the Dauntless symbol," he says

"Ok, Tori can do it for you guys. I just help out" Tris says

A girl, that looks a few years older than Tobias walks over. She had a white hawk with red eyes tattooed on her neck and straight black hair.

"Hi," she says smiling. Her eyes crinkle when she smiles, and she's nice but has a tough feeling to her.

"Hey," I say back smiling

"You two are the ones getting tattoos?" She points at Dean and me

We nod and she says "Ok, you can go first" she points at me.

"Thanks," I say

"Anything for Four's little sister," Tori says

"How did you-" I begin to say

"I can see the resemblance," She says "And he had a nervous look on his face when I asked if your getting a tattoo" she smiles

I laugh a little and she leads me over to the chair.

"Ok, what did you want to get?" she asks

"A rose, not too big, by my collar bone," I say

"Got it," she says

Everyone is standing around me and Dean says "Remember, you cry and you lose"

"Yes, I'm aware thank you" I reply coldly

Tori touches the needle to my skin near my collar bone, and I grit my teeth. The thought of a needle entering my skin over and over again terrifies me.

"Hey, Tori?" Tobias says

"Hm?" She says keeping her gaze on the tattoo

"Mind putting a 4 in there for me?" Tobias says

"haha sure," Tori says

"I hate you," I say glaring at Tobias

"Hey, at least now I'll be with you everywhere you go," Tobias says

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