Chapter 11: The Murder

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The moon's long night cycle breaks, and light shows across the surface of Titan once again. The sun reflects its distant rays by way of Saturn, where the frozen body of Damian Dupree can be seen, lying motionless several kilometers from the airlock of the domed city.

Before this morning's headlines could reach the daily Digi-papers, the police show up to the Grayson's door to deliver the bad news. Answering her newly made front door, Zyna sees two men in well-worn suits. Recognizing that they're plain-clothes police officers, her heart sinks.

"Miss Grayson?" the man asks.

"Yes officers, what's happened now?"

"Miss Grayson, I am Detective Álvarez and this is Detective Patel," he begins. "We're here to inform you, that your mother is in police custody."

"What for?" Zyna questions with a rise in her voice.

"We found Mrs. Grayson staying in Damian Dupree's Penthouse."

"Oh, is that all?" she breathes in relief. "It's not a secret Detective. They've been seeing each other for quite some time. Eddie often stays at Damian's place during the week, or sometimes he will stay here with us."

"We gathered that from our investigation. However, Mrs. Grayson never reported Mr. Dupree as being missing."

Zyna politely brushes off his statement, saying, "Damian is never missing. He'll show up with some new money-making scheme. Have no doubt."

"Yes. Mr. Dupree did show up," Detective Patel explains, "Dead on the surface of Titan."


"Miss Grayson, where is your boyfriend, Jaxon Hadis?" he inquires, taking a far more serious tone. "We would like to speak to him regarding this matter."

", don't see why Jax would have anything to do with this?" she lies in a panic.

"I'm right here," he instantly appears behind her. His injuries are completely healed with the bandages still in place, for show.

Zyna is shocked as to how Jaxon got in the house but plays along.

"Mr. Hadis?"

"Yes Detective, how can I help You?"

"May we come in Miss Grayson?" asks Detective Patel. "This is a conversation that is best left to the four of us in private."

"Yes," she agrees, opening the front door to allow the officers to enter. She gestures for all to sit in the seating area by the window.

Making themselves comfortable, Detective Álvarez pulls out his com-device. He casually checks through his digital notes, asking, "Miss Grayson, would you say that your mother, Mrs. Grayson and Mr. Dupree had a happy relationship?"

Zyna takes a moment to answer, "Happiness is subjective, Detective. One would say that Eddie is as happy as anyone could be, when dealing with Damien Dupree."

"A diplomatic answer," he comments.

"Thank you."

"Then would you say that their relationship is one of mutual toleration?"

"If you wish," she answers, noncommittal.

"So, both you and your mother have tolerated Mr. Dupree for quite some time, years in fact," he points out.

"Ever since my father died."

"Rumor has it, that Blane Grayson didn't leave you much from his estate."

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