Chapter 20: The Vengeance

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The next morning, wrapped in Jaxon's arms. Zyna notices a strange glowing light coming from somewhere in their bed. Looking under the blanket, she finds the Omega Essence. Curious, she takes a moment to look at it. Picking it up in her hand, she examines it closely before waking Jax. "Mo cheann," she says, "Isn't this the original thing that both you and Vivian were fighting over two weeks ago?"

Not awake, Jaxon brushes the sleep from his eyes to see the glowing object in her hand. "Oh, shit!" is all he can say, before hearing a loud crashing sound coming from just outside of their room.

A large section of the house is suddenly vaporized. The beam destroys the outer brick façade, completely disintegrating the lower half of the grand staircase. It cuts clean through the kitchen where Cron and Eddie are eating breakfast. From the center of this destruction, emerges Vivian Grayson Dimeter, appearing through the ring of smoke. She struts into the house like a woman on a mission.

Eddie pokes her head out from what's left of the kitchen and walks over to her old rival, shouting, "Vivian what the hell are you doing?"

Vivian waves her hand across Eddie's face, knocking her unconscious, and watching as she instantly falls to the floor.

Seeing this, Cron charges at their attacker. Long before he can reach her, Vivian shoots him in the leg. Upper thigh. He violently face-plants into the floor, screaming, "Holy Fucking Mimas!" He grips his bleeding leg, then passes out from the pain.

Switching back to her disintegration gun, Vivian vaporizes the dining room and the rest of the kitchen, taking out the support beams for the bedroom above. Waiting a few seconds to let gravity do its work, she watches as Jax and Zyna's bed comes crashing down in its place.

Stunned by the sudden drop, Zyna holds on to Jaxon, attempting to recover from the fall, while still clutching on to the item in her possession.

Fully awake now, Jaxon grabs the Omega Essence from Zyna and quickly jumps naked out of bed. Before he's able to go anywhere with it, Vivian shoots him once in the leg, stopping his motion, and twice in the chest, stopping his heart. Jax instantly hits the floor, dropping the Light of the Omega out of his hand.

"JAX!" Zyna screams, witnessing this and moving towards her wounded lover.

"Ah-ah, nope, not this time sweetie," Vivian insists, pointing the gun in her direction. "Don't move."

She doesn't.

Walking over to Jaxon's body, Vivian picks up the glowing object and breathes a sigh of relief. Turning to her stepdaughter, she rationally explains away her violent actions by saying, "I'm truly sorry about this, but MY ONE is waiting for me."

Absolutely certain that she is next, Zyna calmly questions, " You mean, your lover?"

"He's far more to me, than a lover. My Commanding Officer tasked me with this mission, because he knew that I would succeed, where the others had failed."

"Jaxon," Zyna weeps.

Seeing her stepdaughter quite distressed, Vivian reassures her, "This is for the benefit of my people. I know at this moment, that may not give you comfort, but... I did try to do right by you, didn't I?" Gesturing towards Jaxon, who lies motionless and bleeding on the floor. "I made it possible for you to be with this man," she boasts. "You may have been his motivation, but I'm certainly the underlying reason why he needed to get rid of Damien," she brags. "I got Jaxon out of a murder charge. I fixed up your house, putting both property in your name and money in your pocket. I gave you beautiful dresses to wear and political clout for protection. I've done more for you, than what most people will ever achieve in a lifetime, isn't that right?"

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