A Gray style Christmas

Start from the beginning

I chuckled. Larissa is the cousin we don't often see because Aunt Lakin and Aunt Mia moved to another town. It was interesting visiting her in high school. She has some crazy ass friends.

Payton started the car, and we left to go to a tree lot. Why didn't we do this instead of trudging through snow?


While Presley was busy with his brothers and cousins, I was hanging out with his family. I didn't mind because I'm fascinated to meet the Gray brothers and sisters.

"Larkin, stop eating the cookies," Nash ordered, taking the plate of cookies from Larkin.

"Then tell Luna to stop eating the donuts," Larkin countered.

"I don't know what you mean," Luna said with powder sugar around her mouth.

"She means stoping eating evidence," Nolan said, taking the donut from Luna, who chased him.

"I wonder how the kids are doing," Lakin mentioned.

"They should be fine," Lyric assured Lakin.

"Unless one of them opens their mouth and inserts their foot," Nixon mentioned walking past them.

Lyric and Lakin rolled their eyes.

"Give us a hand, Lex," Nathan said as Lex help Nathan and Noah with a tree.

I sat at the table, watching everyone in awe.

"You seem confused," someone mentioned.

I looked at the woman. "Not confused, but surprised to see the Gray brothers and sisters in the same room," I said, making the woman giggle.

"You get used to it," the woman said, shrugging.

I looked at the woman. "You're Maggie, aren't you?" I asked.

"Yep, that's me," Maggie answered.

"Did that stuff happen to you in high school with that guy?" I asked curiously.

"Unfortunately, but it made me realize who I had feelings for," Maggie said, looking at Nash as he set up a tree.

"Didn't it bother you what the brothers did to you?" I asked.

"The brothers and I have a unique relationship. When you grow up together, you start as friends, then move to become a family. We fought like cats and dogs but wouldn't trade my time with them. The Gray brothers brought me to my husband, and Nash gave me a family. Family is everything," Maggie answered, smiling.

"When I met Presley, he seemed guarded, which is understandable," I said as the others stopped and listened. "It took a lot for him to open up to me."

Maggie looked at me.

"Presley has this sweetness to him. He cares deeply for people and his family. He endures a lot from people but keeps going. I give him much credit," I said.

"How so?" Maggie asked me.

"Because Presley wants the love that his family has from the people in their life. He thought he had that with Eliza. I don't know what happened between them, but I know he has reasons he never gave up on her. Isn't that what we wanted from anyone? Faith that the person we fall for catches us," I said thoughtfully.

"It's what anyone hopes for with someone," Nixon mentioned. We all looked at Nixon. "We hope when we endure a storm that someone is waiting for us to give us hope. It's the one thing that people hold on to through the difficulties."

"When did you become philosophical?" Noah asked Nixon.

"After I hear your ass say it several times," Nixon retorted.

I giggled. The Gray family was something else, but I was glad that I came with Presley. I spoke to everyone. Everyone had unique personalities, but I realized how much the sisters and Presley's brothers were like the Gray brothers. I think that's what amazed me the most.


We came back and went into Nana and Grandpa's house. More people showed up, and I found Kaylee in the sea of family.

"How was it?" I asked, curious about leaving Kaylee with my family.

"It was great. I spoke to everyone. Your family is crazy but sweet. Plus, they're funny," Kaylee laughed.

"Yeah, Eliza didn't want me to leave her with my family," I mentioned.

"Did you ever ask why?" Kaylee questioned.

"My family thought Eliza was clingy, and Eliza thought my family judged her," I replied.

"I don't think your family knew Eliza. Presley, don't let others taint the memories you shared with Eliza. They're your memories," Kaylee reasoned.

I looked at Kaylee and smiled. I wrapped my arms around Kaylee and looked at her. "Did I tell you how much I love you?" I asked with a smirk.

"Not lately, but I wouldn't mind hearing it again," Kaylee answered with a cheesy grin.

I leaned over and kissed Kaylee as she kissed me back, wrapping her arms around my neck. It took me some missteps, but I wouldn't appreciate the person in my arms without them.


Christmas Eve arrived, as did family and friends. It was nice having the kids home with the grandkids. With everyone's schedules, you don't see your family enough.

I sat at the table with Ma and Dad as Jonas and Cayson visited with their family, who came for Christmas. Mags was talking to the kids and grandkids.

"Well, Nashville, it seems you have a full house," Dad mentioned.

"I learned from the best," I said, sipping my coffee.

"You boys worried your dad and me while growing up," Ma mentioned.

I looked at Ma curiously.

"We didn't know if you would find someone to love you as much as we do," Ma added.

"It helps when you have parents that believe in you when you don't believe in yourself. Plus, I didn't turn into a hobo," I joked, making my parents laugh.

"Thank goodness, because no one wants a hobo for a son," Ma teased, making me chuckle.

"I never told you both thank you," I said, looking at my parents.

"For what, hun?" Ma asked.

"We got lucky with parents like you. Most parents push their kids into a life they don't want or makes them happy. You allowed us to be ourselves," I answered.

My parents looked at me and smiled; then, my brothers crashed our moment.

"What's happening at the kiddie table?" Nix asked us as my brothers joined us.

"I'll kiddie table you," Dad warned, making us laugh.

"Listen, old man; I can outrun you," Nix told Dad.

"Would that be before Dad beats the hell out of you or after?" Nathan questioned.

"I think before," Noah added.

"Cute," Nix retorted.

"Does it seem weird to anyone else that we turned into Ma and Dad now that we have grandkids?" Nolan asked us.

We looked at each other.

"Well, if you're going to take after someone, who better than Ma and Dad," Noah replied.

"I think I could handle that," Nix said.

"Works for me," Nathan added.

"We have one hell of a legacy to live up to, but one that's amazing," I finished, smiling.

Ma wrapped her arm around Dad's arm, laying her head on his shoulder. Grammy Gray and Granddad might have one hell of a legacy, but nothing compares to Ma and Dad. Who else could deal with our shit?

I looked at Mags and smiled. She endured a lot from us but preserved through it all. Damn, I'm glad she moved next door to us when we were kids.

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