54 ★ New sensation

Start from the beginning

We end up at the house, and it's a bright, sunny day despite the past week of non stop rain. Cedric leads me up the stairs, into our big old farmhouse. As soon as the door closes behind us, his lips are on my neck attacking all the sense that I own.

I'm already running out of breath as his frenzied kisses touch every inch of skin he can reach. He bends, grabbing me by thighs and lifting me effortlessly. I moan, pressing into him while he hauls me up the stairs. He won't stop kissing me. I'm covered in tingles, and the not so distant memories of our one night of passion assail me.

He carries me up and up, easily taking them two at a time as he sucks on the skin where my neck meets my shoulders in an arch. Shivers attack my muscles, shaking me to my core. I'm thinking that's the place where Cedric will lay his claim on me.

I've been told by my friends that it doesn't hurt, but that it feels absolutely amazing. I can believe that. Everything I do that involves touching Cedric feels good, even being near him makes me overjoyed.

I hear the bedroom door slam, and then my back slowly touches the bed. He's always gentle, but right now I can see the restraint he's hiding as he tries not to indulge.

I'm met with his red eyes, and he won't look away from me, a hand on either side of my head, his palms flat on the bed.

"You are so beautiful." He breathes, and I blush, feeling like it's a big fat lie.

"Thank you, but you're wrong." I tell him, chewing on the inside of my cheek to keep myself from crying as my bottom lip starts to tremble.

With these crazy pregnancy hormones, my brain is at the mercy of my mood swings that yank me back and forth like a painful rollercoaster. I'm sorry that Cedric is forced to endure the ride.

My mate's beautiful face turns rock hard as it morphs into a sinister glare.

"Baby, I would never lie to you." He promises, but I don't point out that he's lied to me on multiple occasions.

He's told me he's done with lying, and I believe him, but not on this. He's just trying to make me feel better. I'm big and round, bloated and tired. I have bags under my eyes, and I haven't had the energy to put on makeup or do my hair. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, but I feel like Cedric got jipped. I don't look like the girl he saw in his college lecture all those months ago.

When I don't respond, he simply bends down over me to nip at my neck, his substantial weight bearing down on me and his breathing tickling my ear.

His fingers become busy with touching my dress, going for the buttons. I groan, from both pleasure and dread. He's going to see my body.

I try to stop him, grabbing his wrist and yanking at it. It's titanium, completely unmovable.

"I don't want you to see me." I insist, but all he does is shake his head.

"I've already seen you. I helped you dress, put you in the bathtub. Why is now any different?" He presses, and I cringe.

Glancing at the window, and the large beams of light, I know exactly why.

"Because we're in the light." I murmur pathetically. He replies with the most perplexed expression, it turns to one of understanding. He's quick to explain himself.

"You really have no idea." He blows out a breath, and I note how good the air smells. "I can see just as well in the night as you do in broad daylight. Nothing could hide you from me."

I pale, wondering why he didn't tell me that before.

His fingers continue their trail to my buttons, my hand still strapped to his wrist. Cedric's movement pauses when his fingertips finally touch me.

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