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tradition to start off the chapter like this ig . well, my chapters are really short but im trying to work on it so.. yeah :)
enjoy,my non existent readers!

Annabeth's pov

The train stopped and we all got off, some kids lugging huge trunks while others, like my friends and i, only brought a small amount of things.

We walked over to Hagrid,who was near some skeletal-horses-pulled carraiges and greeted us. The golden trio- apparently the name for harry, ron and mione- were next to us. I noticed Harry kept on giving us dirty looks and looking at jason and percy suspiciously.

"What're those?" Frank asked as be pointed to some skeletal horses, which from what i read, in hogwarts, a history, were called thestrals.

"You can see them?" Ron exclaimed.

Percy's pov
'Hello lord' the skeletal horse thing greeted.

'Hello..." i trailed off, implying the horse answer.

'I am a Thestral. We do not have names' the thestral replied

'Okayy' i thought

Suddenty i heard Ron ask loudly, "
You can see them?" While gesturing towards the thestrals.

Every one of us nodded.

" You can only see them if you've seen death" Hermione explained. Oh well that explains it i guess.

" cmon lets go!" Leo hopped onto the carraige, and we followed suit.

time skip

We reached hogwarts and i couldnt help but gawk at all the amazing |or is it AMAZHANG |architecture.

" Amazing right?" Mione voiced my thoughts.

I admired all the architecture, sculptures and basically everything as the 'golden trio' led us to the great hall. Which was a hall for eating i believed.

"Why dont you even care that im the chosen one!"'Harry suddenly said.

" We just are pretty chill. Plus, all that attention must be a bit- overwhelming ." Percy said.

We all entered the great hall, and the trio went to go sit at a table which was the griffyndor table.

We all stared straight ahead at headmistress Mcgonagall , who, we knew, was a daughtee of hecate. Bowing respectfully , we waited in line behind some small first years.

I dont understand why in the fanfic crossover books like this the demigods are so disrespectful.

"Grace, Jason" Mcgonagall announced.

Jason's pov
The hat was put on my head and i felt it look through my memories.
"Interesting..a demigod eh? Son of jupiter..saved the world.. i know where to put you, GRIFFYNDOR!'

Hazel's pov
Mcgonagall called my name and placed the hat on my head.
"Daughter of pluto.. a strange gift indeed..very brave.." the hat said or thought to me , " You might find an old friend in slytherin."

What was that supposed to mean?

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled.

well okay then- i walked to the table and sat down .

Leo's pov

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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