Chapter Sixteen- I Can Help You

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"Draco!" I call out to my boyfriend as he runs from Harry.

He looks dreadful his pale skin is grayish, his hair is losing color, and he's lost weight, I was scared for him.

"Draco Malfoy, STOP!" I shout again.

But it's of no use I follow him into the girl's bathroom and watch him take off his sweater then rush over to him.

"Draco, are you alright?" I ask him softly. 

He shakes his head no and begins to sob into my chest I rub his back and comfort him as best as I can, "Shhh, Dracy, it's all right I can help you!"

"Antoinette," he says looking up at me with red puffy eyes.

"I can't involve you with what I am doing it is too risky for you as a mud- I mean muggleborn and I can't lose the only light I have in my darkest hours!"

"But what are you-" I can't finish my sentence because Draco has his arms around my neck and kisses me softly. 

We start off softly kissing but get deeper and Draco runs his hands through my hair, suddenly he pulls away leaving my lips tingling and puffy.

"Why'd you stop Malfoy?" 

"Because Granger Blonde, Potters in here now go hide!"

"Draco, I lo-"

"GO hide!" he hisses in my ear.

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