Chapter Nine- Where Were You Two And Why Is He Always Covered In Blood?

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I arrive with Pansy and Blaise and go and sit down next to Ginny and Seamus across from Hermione and Ron.

"Will you stop eating? One of your best friends is missing?" 

I giggle and everything goes back to the good old days before Voldemort came back and ruined everyone's lives, Hermione looks up and says, "Hey, Ella, we missed you on the train! Where were you?"

"I was sitting with er...Luna."

"Oh," Hermione says.

Just then Ginny looks up and says turning to us, "He's covered in blood again. Why is he always covered in blood?"

I laugh and say, "I don't know that's a good question."

"Where have you been?" Hermione asks sharply.

"And what happened to your face?" I add with a smirk.


Dumbledore then walks up and begins his annual speech beginning with, "Very best of evenings to you all. First off let me introduce the newest member of our staff Horace Slughorn. Slughorn here has agreed to resume his old post as Potions master, meanwhile, the post of Defense Against The Dark Arts will be taken by Professor Snape."

My friends all look stunned at this new revelation but I, on the other hand, am thrilled. Looking up I noticed the Slytherin table clapping loudly and Draco is sitting there with a sad expression. Using Legilimency I penetrate into his thoughts which he allows and discover his anxiety, sadness, and worry for both of us.

"As you know each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight and you have the right to know why. Once there was a young man like you sat in this very hall walked this castle's corridors, he seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name Tom Riddle. Today, of course, he's known all over the world by another name which is why as I stand looking out upon you all tonight I'm reminded of a sobering fact. Every day every hour dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle's walls in the end their greatest weapon is you. There's something to think about. Now off to bed."

I get up instantly and walk over to my big brother, "Draco, are you alright? You haven't touched anything all through dinner I'm worried about you."

"Ella, this task is killing me and I haven't even done anything to start it yet. But I am not sure that I can kill him I...I've never killed anyone or anything before. So what makes you think that I could just do it now?"

"I know who you are Dragon, and a killer is not one of them but we have to do what he's asked of us or we die all of us."

"I know it, Ella, you're right. And the only reason why I am going to try is for you and mother's sake. You two are the only people that I cherish most next to Granger Blonde and if I can't protect the three of you then I have failed it all."

"Don't say that Draco, that's not true and you know it!"

"Maybe. Maybe not. But either way, I'll have to fulfill my duty and so will you, good night little sister. I love you." Draco says giving me a hug nuzzling me holding me for a bit longer than necessary.

"I love you too Draco. And I am scared to lose my friend's trust it is something I have never wanted to jeopardize,  but it's my mission in the upcoming war. I'm Voldemort's newest spy."

With that final exchange of words, my brother kisses the top of my head nuzzling me one more time and then we part ways. He goes to Slytherin and I go to Gryffindor. 

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