Chapter Fourteen- Christmas Plans On The Astronomy Tower

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"The snow is pretty tonight Ella," Draco says while holding one of my hands to keep it warm.

"Yeah, it is Draco."

"Are you going to stay at Hogwarts with me or go to the Weasley's like you usually do for Christmas?"

"I'm not sure yet but I think I am going to stay here with you. Aunt Bella mentioned something about needing my help with something over the holidays."

"Ells, if she needs your help for something that can't be good. Be careful and don't get into trouble with your friends.'

"I don't plan to Draco. And how is your task coming?"

"Not well Ella, I've tried two different ways of killing him so far neither have even gotten to him. But I think that I might be getting close with The Vanishing Cabinets. Speaking of vanishing how come you haven't talked to Seamus much lately or about him?"

"I don't know the vision I had was super bad besides I don't want him to get mixed up in all of this. I feel like if I avoid him he will be better protected than if I was near him."

"I know how you feel Ella, I've been doing the same thing with Antoinette and it hurts because when it all goes bad I turn to my Granger Blonde."

"Awww your Granger Blonde!"

"Shut up Ella!"

"If you don't want me to comment don't tell me these kinds of things."

"Fine," Draco whispers.

I notice my older brother stiffen up a bit and realize that he's become so different within the way he carries himself and his physical appearance is different. His body is thiner, his skin believe it or not paler than usual, and his hair had even lost some of its usual bright platinum white coloring.

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