"Gussay mai or haseen ho jati hain ap."(You get even more beautiful when you're angry.) Faris trapped his wife in his arms who was about to leave the room and dug his face in her neck taking in her scent. She smelled like roses and home.

She was his home, just like he was hers.

Muntaha blushed red, resembling her the roses decorating her bun, at her husband's touch. Even after almost six years of their marriage, she always responded to his touch like a new bride.

"Fa-Faris, mujhe sab tayari dekhne jana hai."(Fa-Faris, I have to check all the preparations.)

"There are other people for that." He said with his eyes closed brushing his lips on her neck ever so lightly.

"Everyone must be looking for me." She also closed her eyes, slowly surrendering to her husband's advances.

"A man needs his wife and they know it." He whispered in her ear. He took her earring off and sucked her earlobe earning a moan from her.

Faris grabbed her waist turning her around and kissed his wife, actually, almost kissed his wife when they got disturbed by her phone ringing.

"I am going to break this damn phone." He growled, thoroughly frustrated at being disturbed.

Muntaha just giggled at her husband's frustration and took the phone call. She mumbled an 'okay' and cut the call.

"I have to check on all the gifts and have them loaded in the cars. Can you please check up on the kids?" She said trying to take her earring from him but he stopped her and put it back on her himself as she placed her hands on his chest.

"Fine." Faris grumbled still not leaving her. Muntaha moved her hands upwards from his chest to his shoulders and then up massaging his neck.

He just sighed and loosened his tight grip on her.

"The boys are in their room." She told him. They had a set of identical twin boys-Zayn Faris Khan and Hamza Faris Khan-both a carbon copy of their father with the signature grey eyes, slim nose and perfect lips. The only feature they got from their mother was their raven hair. Hamza had the jolly personality traits of his father: confident, intelligent,straight-forward, trouble-maker and short-tempered. He also got a huge impact of his Chachu, pranking other people and always getting in trouble for his mischiefs.

Zayn was more of a serious and reserved child. He was very calm and mature, more than the children of his age. He spoke only when spoken to and that too a few words. The only person he talked to more than a couple sentences was his mother. His father was very surprised when his five-year-old son shared his opinion on one of his patients then later-on Muntaha told him that their son had been learning human anatomy instead of alphabets and numbers since last year because when she tried to teach him those he gave her an 'are you kidding me' look and told her thay he is not a baby and he had already learnt all of those on his iPad and much more then gave her one his father's medical related book asking her to teach him about what's written in their as he couldn't understand most of it but it looked interesting. His brother, however, had no such interest but Muntaha noticed his infatuation with numbers and his strategic mind. He had pursuation skills much better than kids his age and even most of the adults. Zayn also had all the signature Khan traits:  confidence, intelligence and short-temper.

Muntaha was very nervous and scared for her first pregnancy but Faris had been a huge help. He fulfilled all her outrages demands and handelled all her tantrums and crying episodes. Their famillies had been a huge help too. Her mother and mother-in-law took care of her throughout the nine months and then helped her with the kids all the time. Abdullah had been over the moon on the arrival of the babies and filled up their nursery with all the manly things suitable for babies he could find.

"And where is my princess?" He asked her smiling even with the mention of his daughter. Faris was very happy when his sons were born, he thanked the Almighty in every possible way he could think of, but nothing could comapare to the happiness he felt when his princess-Noor Faris Khan-was born. He cried when he held her for the first time and that surprised everyone because he never cried, not even on the birth of his first-borns. Since her birth, they had been attached to the hip. Faris even woke up at nights sometimes and just went to watch his daughter sleep. He had never, never, said no to his daughter in all three years of her life. She was a complete Daddy's Princess and had all the men-her father, grand-fathers and uncles-wrapped around her tiny pinky finger. She was a copy of her mother. All her features were inherited by her mother except her eyes. Her eyes were grey when she was born but over the time they started turning green and now they were a mixture of grey, green and blue, the prettiest pair of eyes they had ever seen. She was a talker, a complete chatter-box. She talked all the time in her baby language and with all the people no matter who it was, family or stranger. She was a charmer and could babble her way out of anything and everything.

"She's with her Chachu trying to calm his nerves with her blabbering. He's getting wedding jitters." She told him as she helped him wear his sherwani and buttoned it.

"Check up on him as well." Muntaha said and left him to get ready after giving him a peck on his lips.

It was Abdullah's wedding today. He had become a great business man. He handled most of the business affairs with some help from his father and brother. He-much to everyone's surprise-told his mother he didn't have any girl in his life or even mind and she could choose a girl for him when she presurred him to get married.

Safi and Hadiya had gotten married two years back after Safi did a full-fledge surprise proposal and she said yes. Now, they were expecting their first baby and were living a happy life. He was working as an engineer in a prestigious firm and Hadiya was a gynaecologist.

The ceremony was over and Muntaha took Abduallah's bride to his room after all the rituals. She had already changed the kids into comfortable clothes and sent Faris to tuck them in bed. She opened the nursery door and stood in the doorway, a few tears escaping her eyes as she looked at the scene infront of her. Faris was laying on his back on the twins' bed. Zayn had his head on his father's right shoulder and Hamza had his head on his father's left shoulder. Noor was laying on his stomach with her thumb in her mouth and her hair in two messy braids definitely done by her father. They all were sleeping peacefully with calm expressions on their faces. Muntaha thanked Almighty for blessing her with this family and this man and joined her jaan ke tukray on the bed as well. The silver moon in the sky recited verses blowing them on the happy little family as the angels spread their protective wings over them.

The End.

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